Part One Submitted by Jessica Soukup
Contact Information Phone:
School/Work Info I am currently a senior at UWO. I previously graduated with a major in Criminal Justice from UWO in I will student teach spring semester I have two jobs. Full-time 4k assistant teacher at Head Start, and I work part-time as a resident childcare worker at Deland Receiving Home. I work 40 hours M-F at Head Start and every Sunday and some random nights at Deland. My hobbies are; biking, baking, gambling, and playing pogo.
Access to Technology I am familiar with word, PowerPoint, SAP, and I can mange myself through excel. I am NOT familiar with apple computers. For this course I am hoping to learn the new programs that teachers use. I would like to learn apple products but the university does not have them. I would also like to learn more about excel. I have a computer at home and at work so I have access to technology all the time.
Why Teaching? I chose to go back to school after I started working at Deland Receiving Home. Many of the children said the only place they felt safe was at school. I also love going to school and learning and I want to give children that same feeling. I remember which teachers I liked and which ones I hated and I want to change my students lives like some of my teachers did for me.
The best educational experience of my life was when I was in 2 nd grade. I went to Longfellow and my teacher was one of my favorite teachers and we learned about dinosaurs. We had to write what was our favorite dinosaur and why. My response was chosen as one of the best and I was in the Sheboygan Press! I was so excited and that made me want to study even harder so I could try to make the paper again.
My worse educational experience was in middle school. I went to Farnsworth and I was in 7 th grade. I had a teacher who was absolutely horrible and mean to me all the time. She would only call on me when she knew I wouldn’t know the answer, kept me after school every week, and would yell at me when I wasn’t even doing anything. She was a very unhappy teacher and I will vow to never be like her to any student. I saw her when I was in high school at my job and she had no idea who I was but I will remember her for the rest of my life.
Part Two PowerPoint for my future students to enjoy will be on a separate PowerPoint.