Chapter 15 Lesson 2
European Exploration Roughly 1487 to 1522 Motivations: wealth, new trade routes, strengthen Christianity (“God, Glory, and Gold”) Greed fueled the European Age of Exploration Portugal took the lead, followed by Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands New inventions and ways of thinking during the Renaissance lead to better ships, weapons, maps, and navigation
WHOWHENWHEREWHYHOW Nomads14,000 years ago From Northeast Asia to North America Following their food = big game hunters Crossed land bridge connecting Asia and North America Phoenicians and Egyptians Before 600 BC To Ireland, England, and around Africa TradeBy ship Vikings (Norseman) AD 900To Greenland, Iceland, & east coast of U.S. Plunder, trade,& new settlements By Ship West Africans To Haiti, Panama, possibly Brazil TradeBy ship
Christopher Columbus TextbookTruth Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 The Vikings reached North America in the 10 th century (900) Columbus was from Genoa, Italy. The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria were storm-battered in the two month journey across the Atlantic No one knows where Columbus is really from. The ships were NOT ship-battered and the journey took one month Columbus was searching for a trade route to acquire spices from India Columbus actually was in search of gold for himself; he treated the natives poorly by killing them and enslaving them
First KNOWN Black Explorer Esteban, the first enslaved African to arrive in Florida in April of Esteban escaped and befriended Native Americans Travelled through what is now Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Northern Mexico (15,000 miles) Esteban was executed by Native Americans in 1539 in New Mexico
Who Really Discovered America? We will watch a 12 minute clip in class Watch on your own time and write a one page summary of what you learned for extra credit = 25 points YouTube - Who Really Discovered America? (Real History Documentary)
Exploration Map Go to page R16 in your textbook and using a different color for each, label the following six countries and add them to your key: - Portugal- Netherlands - Spain- Denmark - England (U.K.)- France
Exploration Map Using page 441 of your textbook trace the routes used by the six explorers in the European Voyages of Exploration map. Use a different color for each explorer and add it to your key
Prediction: What are some possible consequences of European exploration? Explain your answer in your notebook.