R ESTAURANT M ANAGEMENT (HM 432) CHAPTER 2 Teamwork in the Food Service and Hospitality Workplace
Given today’s organizational climate and pace, the use of teams has become an inevitable solution to tackling some of the pressing challenges a foodservice manager must face. A team is simply a group of individuals who operate as a unit for an assigned task or goal. Teams differ from other work groups or committees because teams typically have performance goals to achieve. Team members usually feel some type of accountability for working together to achieve these goals. Teamwork is the state of acting in a collaborative and cooperative effort to create positive results for the achievement of a common goal.
1.Technical expertise 2.Problem-solving skills 3.Interpersonal skills
1.Taking too long to make a decision 2.Mishandling team disagreements 3.Working inefficiently 4.Avoiding responsibility
1.Forming, 2.Storming, 3.Norming, and 4.Performing
Communicate effectively and dearly with the team. Select the appropriate leadership style for each stage. Conduct team-building exercises so team members understand the development process. Understand and explain the role of the team in accomplishing its goal. Apply effective management skills to support the team.
Poor management style. High turnover. Not understanding what to emphasize in team development.