A Two-Stage Partitioning Approach for the Min-Max K Windy Rural Postman Problem Oliver Lum Carmine Cerrone Bruce Golden Edward Wasil 1
OAR Lib Content Single-Vehicle Solvers Un/Directed Chinese Postman (UCPP/DCPP) Mixed Chinese Postman (MCPP) Windy Chinese Postman (WPP) Directed Rural Postman Problem (DRPP) Windy Rural Postman Problem (WRPP) Multi-Vehicle Solvers Min-Max K Windy Rural Postman Problem (MM-k WRPP) 2
OAR Lib Content Well-Known Algorithms Single-Source Shortest Paths All-Pairs Shortest Paths Min-Cost Matching Min-Cost Flow Hierholzer’s Algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree Minimum Spanning Arborescence Connectivity Tests 3
Applications Well-established Package Delivery Snow Plowing Military Patrols Variants Time-Windows Close-Enough Turn Penalties Asymmetric Costs 4
Min-Max K WRPP A natural extension of the WRPP Objective: Minimize the max route cost Homogenous fleet, K vehicles Asymmetric traversal costs Required and unrequired edges Generalization of the directed, undirected, and mixed variants Takes into account route balance and customer satisfaction 5
Min-Max K WRPP 6 Depot = Required = Included in route = Not traversed
Min-Max K WRPP Literature review Benavent, Enrique, et al. “Min-Max K-vehicles windy rural postman problem.” Networks 54:4 (2009): Benavent, Enrique, Angel Corberan, Jose M. Sanchis. “A metaheuristic for the min-max windy rural postman problem with K vehicles.” Computational Management Science 7:3 (2010): Benavent, Enrique, et al. “A branch-price-and-cut method for the min-max k-windy rural postman problem.” Networks 63:1 (2014):
Benavent’s Algorithm Solve the single-vehicle variant. This produces a solution that can be represented as an ordered list of required edges (where any gaps are traversed via shortest paths). 8 8 Depot
Benavent’s Algorithm Set up a directed, acyclic graph (DAG) with m+1 vertices, (0,1,…m) where the cost of the arc (i-1,j) is the cost of the tour starting at the depot, going to the tail of edge i, continuing along the single-vehicle solution through edge j, and then returning to the depot 9
Benavent’s Algorithm Calculate a k-edge narrowest path from v 0 to v m in the DAG, corresponding to a solution (a simple modification to Dijkstra’s single-source shortest path algorithm) 10
Compactness Metrics 11 In practice, usable routes must often exhibit intuitive properties like connectedness and compactness. Two metrics proposed in Constantino et al. “The mixed capacitated arc routing poblem with non-overlapping routes.” European Journal of Operational Research (2015, under review) Route Overlap Index (ROI) Average Traversal Distance (ATD)
Route Overlap Index 12
Average Traversal Distance 13 Depot Compact Routes Non-compact Routes
14 Benavent’s Approach
Partitioning Scheme Transform the graph into a vertex-weighted graph in the following way Create a vertex for each edge in the original graph Connect two vertices i and j if, in the original graph, edge i and edge j shared an endpoint 15 Depot
Partitioning Scheme Set the vertex weights to account for known dead- heading and distance to the depot 16 Depot if link i must be deadheaded oth.
Partitioning Scheme Linear weights, chosen empirically 17
Partitioning Scheme Linear weights, chosen empirically, evenly spaced in [.01,.03] 18
Partitioning Scheme Partition the transformed graph into k approximately equal parts. 19 Depot
Partitioning Scheme Route the subgraphs induced by each partition using a single-vehicle solver. 20 Depot
21 Partitioning Approach
22 Benavent’s Approach
Results Tested on a 64-bit PC running an Intel i5 4690K 3.5 GHz CPU, with 8 GB RAM Two sets of benchmark instances Real street networks taken from cities using the crowd- sourced Open Street Networks database Trimmed to largest connected component ~50% of links randomly assigned to be required Artificial rectangular networks ~50% of links randomly assigned to be required 23
Results: Street Networks 24 Instance|V||E|Partition Obj. ROIATDRuntime (s) Benavent Obj. ROIATDRuntime (s) % Diff San Francisco Washington D.C London, UK Istanbul, TR Perth, AUS Auckland, AUS Helsinki, FI Vienna, AU Paris, FR N/A Calgary, CA N/A
Results: Rectangular Networks 25 Instance|V||E|Partition Obj. ROIATDRuntime (s) Benavent Obj. ROIATDRuntime (s) % Diff Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random
Conclusions and Future Work Advantages of partitioning heuristic Can solve large instances Service contiguity – adjacent links are more likely to be serviced by the same vehicle Memory usage – the widest path calculation in the existing algorithm is extremely memory intensive ( order ) Speed – each perturbation takes considerable time Future Work Exploring relationship between number of vehicles, and tuning parameters 26
Large Instance 27 Test Instance: Cross-Section of Greenland |V|=3047 |E|=3285 Runtime: s
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References Letchford, Adam N., Gerhard Reinelt, and Dirk Oliver Theis. "A faster exact separation algorithm for blossom inequalities." Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Padberg, Manfred W., and M. Ram Rao. "Odd minimum cut-sets and b- matchings." Mathematics of Operations Research 7:1 (1982): Thimbleby, Harold. "The directed chinese postman problem." Software: Practice and Experience 33:11(2003): Win, Zaw. "On the windy postman problem on Eulerian graphs." Mathematical Programming 44:1-3(1989): Yaoyuenyong, Kriangchai, Peerayuth Charnsethikul, and Vira Chankong. "A heuristic algorithm for the mixed Chinese postman problem." Optimization and Engineering 3:2 (2002):
Backup 32
OAR Lib Motivation An open-source java library aimed at new operations researchers in the field of arc routing An architecture for future software development in routing and scheduling Design philosophy: Usability first, performance second Open Street Maps Integration Gephi toolkit (open source graph visualization) Integration 33 A (perceived) barrier to entry that coding experience in a non- modeling language is required No centralized, standardized implementations of many routing algorithms Existing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are frequently developed with graph theoretic research in mind Realistic test data procurement Figure generation for papers Problem: Solution:
Interchange Two-Interchange and Or-Interchange move a (string of) required link(s) to a different position in the route Two-Interchange
Swap Change 1-to-1, 1-to-0, and 2-to-0 swap or move edges off of a route 35 Change 1-to-0
Compact Representation A route may be represented simply as an ordered list of the required links it traverses, with implied shortest paths taken between them
A New Objective Function Attempt to incorporate compactness into the measure of solution quality 37