I totally agree I agree in most cases Sometimes this is the case I totally disagree Most people who are homeless have put themselves in that situation
Being homeless may be a better alternative to living in a home with rules I can’t imagine that anybody feels this way This may be true depending on the rules In rare instances this might be the case I believe this is the case with many people
People who are homeless are lazy and need to get a job This would solve their problem There are many factors that contribute to homelessness People who work can still be homeless Most people who are homeless are unable to work
There is a higher percentage of homelessness among: Veterans Mentally Ill people Middle Aged people Substance abusers
I will never be homeless because: I can’t imagine a situation where this would happen to me Never say Never… This could happen I know how to access resources to prevent this I have been homeless
My Independence is… Not that big of a deal for me Fairly important to my well-being A significant part of who I am Not something that I can control