2005-03-22J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans1 New trends for European Railways Research.


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Presentation transcript:

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans1 New trends for European Railways Research

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans2 New trends for European Railways Research The white paper: Time to decide 1/Shifting the balance between modes of transport Revitalising the railways 2/Eliminating Bottlenecks Multimodal corridors with priority for freight 3/Placing users at the heart of transport policy Rationalising urban transport 4/ Managing the globalisation of transport The opportunity offered by a well developed rail network

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans3 New trends for European Railways Research The white paper: Time to decide Ambitious targets defined by the white paper are not reachable without successes in gaps Research and innovative products and services development are the only way

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans4 New trends for European Railways Research The white paper: Time to decide The white paper specifies the targets defined by public authorities: - European Parliament - State members

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans5 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC The actors of the Raimway sector: - UIC - UITP - UNIFE Proposed to built a Research and Development program in order to fulfill the White paper requirements To set up this program: ERRAC

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans6 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC European Rail Research Advisory Committee Members: -European Commission DG Research, Tren, Enterprise - Members States - UIC; UITP; UNIFE

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans7 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC Drafted two main documents: - Strategic Rail Research Agenda 2020, first report - SRRA Technical annex

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans8 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA some figures for 2020: Passengers : growth 40% rail marketshare 12% rail Passenger-km x 3 Freight : growth 70% rail marketshare 15 % rail freight tons-km x 3.5

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans9 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020: Key priority themes identified: - interoperability - intelligent mobility - safety and security - environment - innovative materials and production methods

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans10 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020: For each priority theme: 5 research areas defined with associated roadmaps: -explanation of the research area -expectations if successfully implemented -impact on scenario constraints to be removed

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans11 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020: These reports (SRRA and technical annex) where agreed by all actors, States Members and European Commision representatives in ERRAC plenary meeting and signed by EC DG Research Commisionner Mr Busquin The Chairmen of associated bodies.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans12 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020: SRRA and technical annex: The reference for 6th PCRD - all themes defined are included in the 6th program - themes which are not in the SRRA are not eligible The reference for national R&D programs: D, F, UK, A, Sp, It,… Research and Transport autorities declared to be tied by SRRA. -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans13 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020 Technical annex Interoperability: -ERTMS level3 -Pan-european freight network -Tool kit to enhance interoperability and modularity -Operational rules -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans14 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020 Technical annex Intelligent mobility -Seamless transport -Optimisation of operation management -Logistical aspects -Information media and tools for freight customers -Information contents for customers (passengers) -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans15 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020 Technical annex Safety and security -Safety and security philosophy and culture -Human safety and security factors -Assuring customers safety and security -Relevant structures of information technologies -Modeling and simulation -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans16 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020 Technical annex Environment --Noise performance, system approach -Reduce emissions -Reduce operational energy consomption -Design for the environment -Develop and deploy emerging technologies -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans17 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC SRRA for 2020 Technical annex Innovative materials and production methods -Wheel-rail interaction -Engineering sciences -Materials with integrated functionalities -Hybrid solutions -Innovative production logistic -Raw materails -Innovative production technology -Coating and surface treatment -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans18 New trends for European Railways Research ERRAC next steps: -SRRA revised, taking in account works ordered (6th PCRD) actual situation priority themes for 7th PCRD and national programs -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans19 New trends for European Railways Research Some accompanying measures: -Samnet : safety common methods and common targets -Eurnex : means and tools for rail research; knowledge tests -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans20 New trends for European Railways Research Rail research and development in NPdC: -Samnet -Eurnex -The test center -« Le pole de compétitivité » -Active participation in 7th PCRD themes -.

J.C.RAOUL LAHMI 10 ans21 New trends for European Railways Research For more detailed informations: