Intermediate results of the Linguistic Group within TEMPUS IV Project TEMPUS-FR-TEMPUS-SMHES Svetlana Pisklakova, Department for International Affairs The Omsk State Medical Academy
Language Lifelong Learning Lifelong language education as a part of the brilliant career Each individual is entitled to use more than one language for purpose of communication Each individual is enabled to do so: for work (professional use); for personal expression; for academic mobility, ect. In short for fulfilled life as a person and social being.
Language Lifelong Learning Aims to promote: Mutual understanding Lifelong learning Social cohesion Focus on: Language as a subject The role of language within the subject
Comprehensive model of literacy as per European Framework on Language Education Listening Comprehension Competence Audio-Visual Competence Reading Competence Writing Competence Speaking Competence Symbolic Decoding/Encoding Competence Media Competence Literary and Aesthetic Competence Functional-Pragmatic Competence Intercultural Competence Language Learning Competence
TEMPUS-FR-TEMPUS-SMHES Objective of LG: Integration of the Russian medical specialists into the European and world information and education space
Qualification requirements Able to communicate in the professional environment speaking any foreign language
LG’s idea Guidebook for postgraduate students/medical university teaching staff Tentative title ‘Preparation for participation in International Scientific Conference’
Units (Modules) of the Guidebook 1. CV and Business Card 2. Application (Registration form) 3. Abstract (Call for papers) 4. Poster (Call for posters) 5. PowerPoint Presentation 6. International Conference (Evidence-based Medicine) 7. Appendix 8. Useful links
Structure of the Unit (Module) 1. Warm up 2. Definition (CV, business card, poster, etc.) 3. Structure (CV, business card, poster, etc.) 4. General characteristics 5. Compare Russian and English versions to determine and reveal similarities and discrepancies 6. Elaborate and formulate criteria for evaluation 7. Give several original samples for evaluation 8. Evaluate and prove your opinion 9. Complex of exercises 10. Research task
The Guide and beyond… Use only well-checked sources with working links Ask permission for using materials in our guide from the journals and other sources to avoid violation of the copyrights. Pilot version will be launched in I.M. Sechenov MSMU and after preliminary agreement at the Linguistic Center RUB in November-December 2011 in order to reveal (elicit) weak spots and poor material base, as well as for evaluation and feedback
The Guide and beyond… Questionnaire aimed at to reveal a level of foreign language knowledge, the real needs and interests in further foreign language learning amid health care professionals and pharmacists. Survey in Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Volgograd, Omsk
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