Getting Information OUT of MainSaver The Truth is out there!!! Last Modified: September 23, 2003 Creator: Phillip D. Hicks
What is a query and why should I care? How to make a query. Helpful tips. Contacts when you have problems. MAINSAVER & QUERY Materials Covered
MAINSAVER & QUERY What is a query and why should I care? In the Table View: The Query feature lets you tell the computer to find and display just the record(s) you need or even a complete list. You can also save the list for later reference. “Now what was the name of that?” You may need to use the Query Search function to find the name(s) you need. (e.g. F3 searches)
MAINSAVER & QUERY Some useful queries... Search for WO. Search for Assets. Search for forms with certain status. -OPD -OP -LT Search for forms with certain antenna(s) (Work Areas). -LA -07 -VL
The Query Button! MAINSAVER & QUERY Query Interface
The Query Button! Pull-down Query Menu MAINSAVER & QUERY Interface Actions
MAINSAVER & QUERY Query Dialog Box Query Dialog Box Field Name Window (Filter Column) Operator Window (Filter Operation) Field Value Window (Filter Criteria)
MAINSAVER & QUERY Some helpful tips!!! How to save search. -For everyone. -For you. Export query information to other programs. (some supported formats are: - Text, WKS, PSR, Excel, WK1, HTML, SQL, Dbase, CVS, and DIF.
MAINSAVER & QUERY Saving a Query Fill out filter information. Click Here!
MAINSAVER & QUERY Saving a Query (2) Fill out filter name and description. When happy, click here
MAINSAVER & QUERY Resources Somebody save me... Constructive comments on the maintenance process are welcomed. Contact Phillip Hicks ( or by phone 7319 / MainSaver’s Help System. On \\Hera\Everyone\Maintenance: PowerPoint and MainSaver Documents:\\Hera\Everyone\Maintenance –“Asset Swapping” & “Submitting Work Orders”. ppt –“MainSaver Tutorial & User Guide.pdf –This presentation “MainSaver & Queries.ppt”.