WELCOME to Dialog #3
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Reflect on our common Vision Talk about why some children are not doing as well as others Look at some facts that show why some children don’t have an equal chance to reach their potential During our third dialogue we will
Review the Ground Rules 1. Say your name before you speak 2. Ensure each person speaks 3. Allow each person to complete a thought 4. Post ideas and share ideas between sessions 5. Mute your phone when not speaking 6. Other?
Where is our common vision already happening? What gives you hope? Why? What is missing and makes you feel sad or angry? Why?
Ample Rain Books & Pillows Inviting spaces - playground, green space, child designed? Safe house, a safe place for kids Walkable Play space Biking space Access to nature Other? Our imaginary child supporting community
Some different views Lack of support for parents Poor use of resources Not enough focus on early learning Poverty and hard times Too many “experts” think they know best Racism and inequality We don’t support good health Unsafe neighborhoods Some parents and caregivers are not doing their job
Do you live in a community where most people are from your racial or ethnic group? Do (did) you depend upon people other than those you live with to care for your children? Did someone in your family help you buy your first home? Did someone in your family help you pay for college? Do some of your family or friends speak a different language from their doctors or nurses? Are some of the best elementary schools in your neighborhood? Are your children’s teachers from your race or ethnic group? Can your children safely play outside? Was anyone in your family ever treated badly in a school, bank or hospital because of race, ethnicity or language? Do you have family members or friends who sometimes go hungry? Do people in your neighborhood have access to grocery stores with decent food? Do parents you know worry about how poor air quality affects their children?
Talk about this exercise What stood out? Did you learn something about why some families are not doing well? Did you learn anything about fair/unfair practices in our communities? Do any of these questions bring up a story for you?
Many Children Live in poverty (what is poverty?) Many children and families go hungry at times during the year Our schools and society are failing to help many children learn
The data The Census Bureau reports that New Mexico ranks fifth nationally for the percentage of children living in poverty. 24% children under age 18 live in poverty 27% of Children under 5 years old 40% of Native American children in poverty, 30% of Hispanic children, and 25% of African American children National statistics for people seeking emergency food (Feeding America) 40 percent are Non-Hispanic White 38 percent are Non-Hispanic Black 17 percent are Latino or Hispanic 6 percent are American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian
More Data Education in New Mexico 90% of Native-American, non-Hispanic 4th graders scored below proficient in reading (US = 78%) 87% of Black, non-Hispanic 4th graders scored below proficient in reading (US 85%) 86% of Hispanic 4th graders scored below proficient in reading (US = 84%) 65% of white, non-Hispanic 4th graders scored below proficient in reading (US =59%) 61% of Asian/Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic 4th graders scored below proficient in reading (US =52%)
What stands out when you see these facts? What reminds you of children you know? What are the key challenges we face? What laws, systems or policies might be adding to these poor outcomes
Reflect on the work we did today Find out what other people think about why children don’t have an equal chance at life Join us on Thursday, October 14, 6 PM We will begin to look at solutions Visit our Wiki site
WELCOME to Dialog #4
Goals: Talk about ways to create a community where all children can reach their potential Make a list of ideas for action
Getting Started Reflect on last week’s talk What did you hear or see that made you think about the future of New Mexico children? What did you hear or see that reminded you of our conversation last week?
Making a difference - Approaches Help Parents and families do their best Build on programs we already have Increase chances for all children to learn Create healthy places – at home and in the community Help families overcome hardship and save money Make sure our children are safe Work for equal opportunity
Reflection Which approaches do you like? Why? Are there others you would like to add? How will these help children? Would these leave any children out? How could we prevent this? Is this possible in NM? What would it take to make these ideas happen? Do similar ideas already exist? Doubts? Concerns?
Guidelines: All ideas are OK Don’t stop to talk about them Don’t judge ideas Build on others ideas I will write every idea down
Action Ideas
Think about approaches from today Choose on approach or idea and see if you can find it in the community Join us on Thursday, October 14, 6 PM We will begin to look at solutions Visit our Wiki site Thanks!
Our WIKI Site
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