Debugging of M2-M5 G. Passaleva
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 2 outline Short summary of Muon readout channel organization Connectivity tests, timing tests Status of debugging since Oct Plans for the coming weeks Summary
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 3 Muon channel organization Physical channels (PC) are grouped in logical OR to form Logical Channels (LC). Time of LC is measured by the SYNC chip inside the ODE Logical channels are those stored on disk and sent to L0 They are crossed at software (L0) level to get the Logical Pads (LP) i.e. the muon hits In some regions LCs are directly grouped into LPs Logical channel Logical pad Physical channels
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 4 Muon channel organization Sync channel Delays can be adjusted: physical channel level inside the DIALOG chips sync channel level ODE level (sync to sync synchronization) 1) 2) 3)
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 5 The Muon Detector readout Data chain & Tell1 boards C. Deplano
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 6 Principle of the tests All the physical channels are masked and then unmasked and pulsed one after the other. The corresponding logical channels are read out Sync channel
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 7 Connectivity: FE to ODE Connection Complexity 12 different type of electronic chain connections (up to ~1k Front-End CH, ~200 Read-Out CH and 48 muon chambers) Test Connectivity using noise: On Front End set low thresholds: noisy signals On Read Out Look if the noise histogram is filled in the right read-out channel, and only there! About 99% of the channel are well connected and correctly reachable via PVSS control software C. Deplano 23 Sept C. Deplano
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 8 Time Alignment using the FE pulse system (FE to ODE) DIALOG ASD MWPC FEE ASD to ODE from PDM PDM: pulses to FEE synchronous to a given BX number Use LHC Clock Pulse reproduced by DIALOG and sent to CARIOCA Chambers are not involved Pulse distribution cables length compensated C. Deplano 23 Sept 2008 Time Measurements done on the ODE board (SYNCs). The delay parameters are calculated and saved into PVSS recipes C. Deplano
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 9 Status of debugging since Oct After the cancelation of LHC run we starteda systematic campaign of debugging to fix the problems left open October/November C. Deplano + GP; December F. Dettori + A. Sciubba and M. Palutan; January: GP 30/10/200820/12/2008Today Tot log. channels Bad log. channels fractionBad log. channels fractionBad log. channels fraction Side A %3223.9%2773.3% Side C %2082.5%1281.5% Total %5303.2%4052.4% Fixed 11718%24237%
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 10 The actual status The remaining problems need careful interpretation of the tests and intervention on the hardware Typically the problems are in the chain dialog (IB) TB ODE Debugging time is hard to predict… but is never short ! Access and modify hardware Test the single part If successful re-test the whole hardware unit …hope that no new problem show up…
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 11
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 12 M2 Fixed problem chamber Channel maps Sep. 2008
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 13 M3 Fixed problem chamber Channel maps Sep. 2008
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 14 M4 Fixed problem chamber Channel maps Sep. 2008
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 15 M5 Fixed problem chamber Channel maps Sep. 2008
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 16 Debugging database Thanks to G. Graziani we have set up a database to save the history of all the tests we are doing, including diagnostic reports, timing tables and TDC histograms produced by the ECS tests. This helps our experts to spot the problems and get indications on where to intervene on the hardware
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 17 Plans for the debugging All the problems have been categorized Will attack first the cases were a big number of channels are lost. Tests are very time consuming: connectivity tests require several hours per ODE; timing tests about 1 hour Very complex system: to spot a problem we have to investigate many boards, cables etc. Four problematic chambers. Need to access them. However: problematic chambers in M2 front(2) can be accessed without opening the walls. The other two need opening
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 18 Plans for the debugging In the next months a task force will be dedicated full time to this task: Francesco Dettori (Cagliari) full time GP > 50% (10 weeks from now to june); Matteo Palutan (from March, t.b.q) Remote assistance by the experts (Sandro, Adalberto) Actively looking for another full time person Contribution from other people coming for shorter time Next week Adalberto will be at CERN for a full week of hardware debugging. Support from a STRONG group of people very expert on the hardware and on the ECS system: V. Bocci, S. Cadeddu, M. Carletti, C. Deplano, M. Lenzi, R. Nobrega, D. Pinci, A. Sciubba In particular the ECS group is actively working to make our software more robust, faster and well organized
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 19 Plans for the debugging In principle, (some) residual dead regions can be “faked” at L0 level. Since the spatial correlation is small, ghosts should not be a big problem HLT: with some care (performance, ghosts, efficiency !) dead channels can be faked also there Software studies in progress. Muon ID: a lot of work already done to study a looser muon selection How to deal with dead regions (Condition DB etc) Online monitoring of efficiency
11/02/2009 Muon System mini review G. Passaleva 20 Summary Debugging started Nov 2008: 37% bad channels recovered Still missing 2.4% of the channels mainly concentrated in a few large groups Four chambers with problems: 2 of them can be accessed without opening the walls. The other 2 need opening. To be decided