SEAS Changes SY 12-13
PARAPROFESSIONALS. Main Menu Drawers Messages – to communicate within SEAS Forms Packets – where individual forms are located Forms – never used in LISD IEP – where goals pages are created and where ARD packets are located Student Information – to access all Demographic information on a student Setup – where you change your password Print – where you can print packets, forms, etc. Reports – where you can run reports with student information Filed/Archived Documents – where you go to update and access archived documents Transfer Student Records – not used in LISD DSCtop – where itinerant and related service personnel document their services Assessment Report Manager – where you access archived FIE documents for students Services Accountability – not used in LISD Medicaid Claiming – not used in LISD SEAS University- where you can work on individual user lessons Log Out – always log out when you leave SEAS
Menu Changes Student Information - When you click on Student Information you are taken directly to the database of students that you have access to. Setup - When you need to change your password you go to Setup.
This is how the menu will look for Building Admin Edit personnel.
Archiving and Printing with page numbers
Archiving Changes If you have forms in the packets that will not be used you should choose not to use those forms for that ARD packet. If you choose not to use the forms they will not archive with the ARD packet. However if you use that packet for that student for any subsequent ARD you must determine if that form is now needed and change it back to ‘use’.
Open the ARD packet you are going to use.
To deactivate specific forms choose Manage Forms Packet.
This dialog box will appear.
Click in ‘Do Not Use’ Column for any form that will not be used for this ARD meeting.
Once you have selected the forms to not use click ‘save’ at the top or the forms will still archive with the packet and print.
Once you have clicked ‘save’ you must X out of the dialog box.
The forms you have marked as ‘do not use’ will now show with a red ‘no’ circle where the page number appears.
Caution! There are very few forms that should not be used during an ARD. These include: – STAAR Alt – STAAR M – TAKS M – Personal Care Services – Graduation Supplement If you are unsure whether a form can be marked as “Do Not Use” consult your lead!
If you need the form during the ARD: Repeat the process but move the form from ‘Do Not Use’ to the ‘Use’ column. Don’t forget to save. Proceed with the ARD meeting.
Page Numbering The page numbers show in the column view when you open the ARD packet. If no number is beside a form there will not be a number on the printed version and it will not archive unless you open and save it. If you have chosen to not use a form a red ‘no’ symbol will appear beside the form. Once the ARD is finished you must choose ‘Print Preview with Page Numbering’. The packet will open in pdf and you can print from there.
The pages are automatically numbered.
Archive the ARD packet after you print the copy for the parent.
Be sure that all forms have been saved before you archive. Go back and save them if they show here and should be in the archived packet.
Only forms showing are those we chose not to use.
Type in the Description of the ARD you are archiving. The Date is the date the ARD occurred.
Click on ‘Archive’ once the description and date are entered.
Wait on confirmation that the packet was archived.
Click on the X to return to the ARD packet.
EXIT and complete PDS once packet is archived.
Caution!!! You must open and save every form in the packet in order for them all to be archived with the packet. This includes: – ARD Notice – Medicaid notice and consent – Teacher Input – Telephone Documentation – Etc. The only forms you don’t open and save are those that you chose to not use during the ARD.
Note the PWN Effective Date The Evaluation Dates fields have changed – be sure the date is in the right column.