Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium
Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium Review of Natural Treatments for Dominance of Aggressive Estrogen *Stress Reduction* Exercise *Raising Progesterone* Detoxification * Balance Thyroid
Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium Herbs For Women’s Health Black Cohosh can help to relieve hot flashes and also act as a mild relaxant and sleep aid. Siberian Ginseng lifts mild to moderate depression, especially when combined with Rose Buds. It also is an overall tonic and enhances energy. Licorice Root has actual estrogenic effects and supports the adrenal glands, which has a regulatory effect on all other hormones, anti-inflammatory for muscle/joint aches Dong Quai is a strong phytoestrogen.It can help to normalize menstrual irregularities, but may cause an increase in bleeding, so don’t use it if heavy periods are a problem.
Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium Herbs For Women’s Health Chaste tree berry( Agnus castus, Vitex) is one of the most helpful herbs for helping with symptoms including hot flashes, fluid retention and mild depression. Wild Yam helps to the body’s natural production of progesterone. It is often available as a cream Nettles are extremely nutritious and furnish much needed nutrients and minerals. Sea Vegetables are high in minerals that support hormone formation. Sea vegetables are appropriate for all phases of the female cycle. Motherwort helps with hot flashes, irritability, heart palpitations, and other menopausal symptoms
Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium Breast Cancer * Approximately 180,000 cases in US/ year * 14% of women in US will have positive diagnosis in lifetime * 33%-50% potential reduction due to diet and lifestyle * Soy Products Particularly Helpful
Foods to Fight Back Each Step of the Way I. Initiation - Free radicals are released due to many triggering agents, which damages DNA Defense: Antioxidants - neutralize free radicals. Polyphenols - Green Tea Lycopene - Tomatoes Vitamin C - Kiwi, Citrus Vitamin E- Avocado, Sesame Seeds, Almonds Beta Carotene and Mixed Carotenoids - Carrots and Kale, Yellow Veggies Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium
Homocysteine Get Homocysteine Levels Taken - may be more indicative than cholesterol. Homocysteines comes from animal products. Smoking/inactivity raises levels “The Homocysteine Revolution” Dr. Klimer McCully Heart Healthy Diet High: Organic Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, Good Fats & Oils Some: Fish- Skinless free, Range Poultry Very Low: Meat, Dairy (especially Homogenized Milk-contains xanthine oxidase which damages heart and clogs arteries) NONE: Processed Foods, Fried Foods, Commercial Baked Goods AVOID THESE NON-FOODS!! Women ’ s Health In The New Millennium