1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Java
2 History of Java Java Originally for _________________________ devices Then used for creating Web pages with __________________________ Now also used to: Develop large-scale ___________ applications Enhance WWW server functionality Provide applications for consumer devices (cell phones, etc.)
3 Java Class Libraries Classes Include methods that ___________________ Return _______________ after task completion Used to build Java programs Java provides class libraries Known as Java APIs _____________________ _________________ _________________
4 FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal and Ada FORTRAN FORmula __________________ COBOL COmmon _______________ Oriented Language Pascal Structured programming ____________ Multitasking
5 BASIC, Visual Basic, Visual C++, C# and.NET BASIC Beginner’s _____________ Symbolic Instruction _______________.NET.NET platform ______________ Basic.NET Based on BASIC Visual C++ Based on C++ C# Based on _____________________
6 Typical Java Development Environment Java programs normally undergo five phases ________________ Programmer writes program (and stores program on disk) Compile Compiler creates _______________ from program Load Class loader stores bytecodes in memory Verify Bytecode Verifier confirms bytecodes do not violate _______________________________ Execute JVM translates bytecodes into ____________________
7 Fig. 1.1 Typical Java development environment.
8 Creating a Program with JCreator Click on the JCreator Icon IDE window appears
9 Creating a Program with JCreator Click on File, New, then Project Project Wizard appears Choose Java Application template
10 Creating a Program with JCreator Give the project a ____________ Then click Next
11 Creating a Program with JCreator You will want the JDK version 1.5 This tab is where you can specify hsa library At this point you can click on Finish
12 Creating a Program with JCreator Now we create our class (the program) with File, New, and Class
13 Creating a Program with JCreator The wizard creates a template. Now complete the program with the required commands.
14 Creating a Program with JCreator Run the compiler with Build, and CompileFile
15 Creating a Program with JCreator To run the compiled program click on Build, and ExecuteFile Program runs in separate window
16 Programming with "Ready to Program" Find the "Ready" option on the program menu or click on the "Ready" icon
17 Programming with "Ready to Program" An empty editor window appears
18 Java Programs A Java program consists of one or more classes
19 Creating a Java Application The "Ready" environment will give you skeleton or boilerplate format for programs Click on File, New, and HSA Console option A dialog box asks for the name of the class
20 Creating a Java Application The appropriate boilerplate text appears in the edit window – note the color coding
21 Creating a Java Application Fill in the necessary commands Save the program
22 Creating a Java Application To run a Java program Press the Run button or Press Ctrl+R or Press F1 The console program shows a console window
23 Creating a Java Application Make sure to save the program before quitting The "Ready" environment will remind you To exit the "Ready" environment Click the X close or Choose File, Exit or Use Ctrl-Q
24 Creating a Java Application Errors in the program Syntax errors are found for you by the compiler
25 Why Different IDEs? Which one you use depends on what you are doing In class the Ready to Program IDE is __________________, “quick and dirty” But … it does not support JDK 5.0 ____________________ supports JDK 5.0 Eclipse a bit more complicated, but does a bit more found to be a bit balky with some elements of JDK 5.0