Computer Do’s From Start to Shut Down
Sit Properly at Your Desk Relax shoulders. Level eyes with text on monitor. Position the wrists so there is little or no tilt.Adjust seat height so that feet are planted comfortably on the floor (or footrest).
Let’s Begin Turn on the monitor. If not already booted, boot the computer. Press and hold the, and keys. CrtlAltDelete
Enter your User name and Password
Press the keys gently.
Keep your workstation clean.
Treat your computer with care.
Wash your hands before using the computer.
Be patient while the computer is “thinking”.
Follow the proper steps to shut down the computer. Click Shut Down or Turn Off Computer Click start
Be certain to read inside the dialog box If Shut down is in the Shut Down Windows box, Click OK.
Click Shut Down from the drop down menu. Click OK. If Shut down is not in the box,
Turn off monitor
Acknowledgments This interactive PowerPoint was created by Ms. J. Watlington All clip art and other detailed elements are found in Microsoft Office XP and are the property of Microsoft unless otherwise noted.