Review the process Review the findings Analyze - Hypotheses
Evaluate the CSLI process ◦ Review – what exactly did CSLI do? Generated questionnaire Oriented students in intro meeting Reviewed questionnaire with students Reviewed nature of surveys/sampling Trained students in telephone/marking instructions Conducted telephone interviews Target at least 400 completions Accomplished – 577 completions Issue and post on Web site Press ReleasePress Release Expect coverage in major media –Capital
Questionnaire issues – initial contact ◦ Was the opening statement OK? ◦ Hello, I’m a student calling from Anne Arundel Community College. The College’s Center for the Study of Local Issues is conducting a survey on issues affecting Anne Arundel County Residents. Would you please take a few minutes to complete this survey ◦ Suggestions?
Questionnaire issues - questions - Did any specific questions give you more problems than others? Clarity Public constantly asked for restatement Vagueness of what is being asked ◦ Did the respondents seem to think that the questions were generally interesting? ◦ Did the respondents think that the survey was too long or short? ◦ Other suggestions?
Public receptivity Were you surprised by how easy/hard it was to obtain a completion? Problems with phone numbers? Idle chatter from respondents? Bias among interviewers? Partial completions? Other suggestions
Remarkable stability in right/wrong direction… NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 County – Right/Wrong Direction
Percentage saying “excellent” or “good” economy also stable since March 2009 County – Economic Conditions vs. State and USA
9 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Economic Concerns: Perceptions of the Local and National Economies National County “ Thinking about our county's economy, how would you rate economic conditions in Anne Arundel County today -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor?” (Total percentage saying excellent and good) Gallup - USA CSLI - AA County
ConditionFall 2005 Spring 2011 Balancing the county budget (less spending, more revenues) 018 Providing enough jobs 816 Providing enough skills/training or otherwise improving education/schools 1112 Managing growth/development 278 Having enough infrastructure, roads, transportation 37 All other answers 5139 Total 100
Confidence levelPercentage citing Very7 Somewhat44 Not very43 Don’t know, no answer7 Total101
AnswerPercentage Yes26 No70 Don’t know, no answer 5 Total101 Service mentionedCases Percentage Roads39 24 Schools/teachers31 19 Library24 15 College tuition12 7 Fire10 6 Seniors services10 6 Jobs/furloughs/pay cuts 10 6 Police9 6 Staffing7 4 Child services6 4 MVA3 2 Mental health2 1 Total
15 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Budget Measures: Taxes, Cuts, Spending IssueSupportOpposeUnsure Imposing an additional fine of up to $1500 on drivers caught drunk driving Permitting the use of off-shore wind power near Ocean City8010 Increasing the alcohol tax68293 Permitting the purchase of marijuana for medical purposes65297 Taking away drivers’ licenses from those who refuse to pay taxes64323 Increasing the use of cameras to ticket those running red lights59414 Making same sex marriages legal in Maryland47467 Making preparations to implement President Obama’s health care reform law Limiting the use of binding arbitration when the county negotiates with public safety unions Allowing the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition for college Increasing university tuition to maintain the quality of higher education32662 Reducing the pension and retiree health benefits of state workers28657 Promising state workers no furlough days, and providing them with a $750 bonus Increasing the county income tax to the maximum allowed by law to avoid cuts in essential services Increasing the gasoline tax to bolster the transportation trust fund17803
Support Social Category% Party p=.01 Democrat57 Unaffiliated48 Republican35 Ideology p=.01 Liberal81 Moderate53 Conservative22 Religion p=.01 None/Non-practicing75 Jewish71 Spiritual but not part of organized religion 64 Other46 Catholic43 Protestant40 Some other Christian38 Evangelical30 Marital Status p=01. Single66 Married45 Gender p=.3 Female51 Male44 Age p= Race p=.3 Black30 White49 Other (including Hispanic, Asian and unspecified ‘other’) 50 Demographics/Same Sex Marriage % saying “Support”
YesNoUnsure /N.A. Total Governor O’Malley’s inaugural speech or his state of the state speech President Obama’s state of the union speech? Watched County Council hearings being broadcast on local cable stations anytime over the last year? Watched, listened or read about …
Estimates% Under $1 billion4 $1 billion to $500 billion 17 $501 to $999 billion4 $ trillion21 $ trillion10 $ trillion22 $5-6 trillion6 Over $6 trillion17 Total101 Estimations of Federal Budget Estimates% Under $1 billion30 $ billion26 $6 to $10.99 billion 7 $ billion4 $ billion5 $ billion3 $31-40 billion1 Over $40 billion24 Total100 Estimates% Under $5 million22 $5-50 million18 $51 to $100 million 10 $ million8 $ million9 $ million7 $ billion14 $ billion3 $ billion4 Over $7 billion6 Total100 Estimations of County Budget Estimations of State Budget
: National Issues: % approving of president’s job by party Bush Obama
1.Identify a dependent variable – attitude, preference 2.Identify an independent variable – a social/demographic characteristic 3.Specify a likely relationship between the two based on a “theory” or hunch you have about people and attitudes
Test Hypotheses using SPSS 1.Login 2.Go to CSLI Web site: 3.Double click on CSLI Fall 2009 Data 4.Weight the dataset /data/weight cases/weight cases by Weight 5.Cross-tabs - /Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs 6.Find Income75– click once on it to select it then use arrow to place in columns box 7.Find ‘v4.2’ or ‘v4.3’ – click once to select it then use arrow to place in rows box 8.Click on “cells” and then click on Percentages “columns” then OK 9.Click on “statistics” and then click on Nominal “Phi and Cramer’s V” OK 10.Click on OK in main crosstabs dialog box 11.Check results: Did a higher percentage of under $75k agree with “unemployment” than those over $75k?” Were the results statistically significant – were the Phi and Cramer’s V values under the column “Approx. Sig” under.05? 12.If the answer is yes to both these questions, then it is possible that your hypothesis is correct – you have disproved the ‘null hypothesis” 13. Try it again with the “significant losses in stocks and retirement accounts” variable (v4.3) 14. Continue with other hypotheses 15. In the last 10 minutes, we will go around the room asking you to tell us your most interesting finding