Psychiatric Morbidity, Services & Outcomes in Southampton My NHS: CfV: PHE ‘Fingertips’ site David Kingdon Clinical Services Director/ Professor of Mental Health Care Delivery Southern Health FT
Commissioning fo r values
Comparative data for Southampton compared to remainder of SHFT area Significantly higher incidence and referral rates for psychosis proportion of SMI & CMHD rates on CPA detention under mental health act attendances at A&E for psychiatric disorder proportion of SUs from BME communities suicide rates (3 yr) Similar proportions of SUs in hospital hospital discharge rates
Mental Health 4 Southampton Southampton Prevention Coalition (CCG, SHFT, ST, LA, MHF) Complex trauma (BPD) pathway Anxiety/depression pathway Anxiety/depression pathway Psychosis pathway Table 1 Matrix managersWestCentralEast 8a Caseload management7 & 7 Assertive outreach [HEALIOS APP] DBT Psychosocial interventions for psychosis [HEALIOS] Brief interventions WRAP/Recovery College Health & Wellbeing OUTCOME DATA: RCOM (HONOS), PROM (DIALOG), DIAG, ADMNS, SUIC + PATHWAY OUTCOME DATA: SOCIAL, RCOM (HONOS), PROM (DIALOG), DIAG, ADMNS, SUIC + PATHWAY Early intervention for psychosis Under 25s service Under 25s service IAPTIAPT CAMHS CRISIS CONCORDAT - CRHT, ACUTE HOSPITAL, POLICE, AMBULANCE PRIMARY CARE & 3RD SECTOR ALIGNMENT PC Case worker project PC Case worker project