THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE - Ethics/ Critical Thinking
What is ‘Ethics’? A system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their life. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy.
Ethics cover the following dilemma: How to live a good life Our rights and responsibilities The language of right and wrong Moral decisions- what is good and what is bad.
Is it ethical for bloggers to be paid to blog about a company or a product? Should a bank invest in a company that manufactures weapons or tests new chemicals on animals? Is it right for foreigners to pay different price from the local people? Should a business employ child labour to reduce costs work compared with employing adults? Is it right to sell land to foreigners? Is it ethical for a business to require employees to be “chipped” for security purposes? Is it right to advertise alcohol? Is it acceptable to feed genetically modify food to cattle? Is it? Or is it not? Should a business continue to produce potentially dangerous goods as long as ‘no one finds us out’?
Corporate social responsibility Businesses that consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their decisions and activities on customers, employees, communities and the environment.
Tobacco and Cigarette Companies?
Statistics! One in six of all deaths in Britain is believed to be due to smoking related causes. 9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer are due to smoking and it also contributes to respiratory diseases. There are more smokers amongst the 20 to 24 years old than any other age group.
Interviewed 1,433 kids… Most kids have never tried cigarettes or chewing tobacco. 85% of kids said they've never tried it. 10% of kids said they tried it once. 5% said they use tobacco once in a while or as often as every week.
Why do you think they tried to smoke in the first place?
Australia’s world first laws on cigarette and tobacco plain packaging have come into force, replacing brand logos and colours with generic drab olive green coverings, gruesome pictures of diseased body parts and depictions of children and babies made ill by their parents' smoking. Apart from the varying health warnings and images the only difference between the packs, mandatory from Saturday, are the brand names, and these are all printed in identical small font. It is the world's most strict regime for the packaging of tobacco. -The Guardian
How about Thailand?
World’s biggest rice exporter! Contributes 15% of GDP Exporter of Rubber (4% of GDP) Tourism (6% of GDP)
DEBATE TOPIC: What does prostitution bring to the individual and the country? For Vs. Against
Pros Country benefits: Increase in tourism More foreign exchange Poverty reduced Reduced the rate of unemployment. Individual benefits: The prostitutes earn money as this work becomes their only mean of income. The money earned can be then spent on personal demand and necessities. Fulfils personal desires.
Cons Fall in Reputation Higher rate of population with STDs (HIV) No tax paid to the government
Holiday Homework ☺ Should Thailand make prostitution legal? [16]