Wilson’s New Freedom Section 17-5 pp. 538-543
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Wilson Wins Financial Reforms Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) Made it more difficult to form monopolies Held officers of a company legally responsible for the company’s actions Labor unions and farm organizations not considered trusts Strikes, peaceful picketing, and boycotts are legal
Wilson Wins Financial Reform Federal Trade Act Established the Federal Trade Commission Given power to investigate corporations and unfair business practices Underwood Act First substantial reduction of tariffs since Civil War
Wilson Wins Financial Reform Sixteenth Amendment Legalized a graduated federal income tax Applied to individuals and corporations Federal Reserve System Established a decentralized private banking system under federal control
Women Win Suffrage New Developments 19th Amendment Increased activism of local and grass root organizations Use of new strategies to build enthusiasm Regeneration of national movement under Catt 19th Amendment Gave women the right to vote
The Limits of Progressivism Wilson Retreats on Civil Rights Opposed a federal anti-lynching law Appointed segregationists to his cabinet Failed to oppose the re-segregation of federal offices America’s entry into WWI ends Progressivism Reasoned that lynching fell under state control Wilson promised to treat blacks equally, but did not once in office Wilson viewed segregation as just
Summary of Progressivism Progressive Era Video Clip