Joseph Noel Strength of Character and College Ready HOWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL Advancement Via Individual Determination Joseph Noel
Check out the AVID information Contact Information Contact Check out the AVID information on Mrs. Goshorn’s Howard Webpage! Dana M. Goshorn AVID Coordinator and Elective Teacher Howard Middle School 6600 Forsyth Road Macon, GA 31210 (478) 779-3500 Eric Carlyle, Ph.D. Principal
Mission AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. Bibb County and Howard Middle Mission: Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college ready.
Why AVID? A structured college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts A direct support structure for first- generation college goers, grades 4-12 A school wide approach to curriculum and rigor THIS SEEMS TO FALL INTO THE CATEGORY OF WHAT WE DO ((vs. what we ARE): A professional development program providing training throughout the world
Why AVID? A non-profit, college readiness system A support structure for typically underserved, low- income students or students in the academic middle who want to go to college For elementary through postsecondary grade levels A schoolwide approach to rigorous curriculum Professional development for educators Adopted by approximately 4,800 schools in 48 states and 16 countries/territories, reaching more than 425,000 students More than 30 years, AVID has become one of the most successful college-preparatory programs for low- income, underserved students A direct support structure for first- generation college goers, grades 4-12 A schoolwide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by approximately A professional development program providing training throughout the U.S.
AVID Student Profile Academic potential Average to high CRCT (Criterion Reference Competency Test scores 2.0-3.5 GPA College potential with support Desire and determination
AVID Student Profile Meets one or more of the following criteria: First in immediate family to attend college Historically underserved in four-year colleges Low income Special circumstances Howard AVID program reflects the demographics of the school. While all criteria are considered for acceptance, no single criteria will necessarily eliminate a student from consideration. Meets one or more of the following criteria:
The 11 Essentials AVID student selection Voluntary participation AVID elective class offered during the school day Rigorous course of study Strong, relevant writing and reading curriculum What is necessary for successful implementation?
The 11 Essentials Inquiry to promote critical thinking Collaboration as a basis of instruction Trained tutors Data collection and analysis District and school commitment Active, interdisciplinary site team
More Than 30 Years of Success In just over 30 years, AVID has become one of the most successful college- preparatory programs for low-income, underserved students, and today reaches more than 425,000 students in approximately 4,800 schools in 48 states and 16 other countries/territories. AVID also has students in 24 postsecondary institutions. Since 1990, more than 110,000 AVID students have graduated from high school and planned to attend college.
AVID Works Because! Places AVID students in rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to achieve Provides the explicit “hidden curriculum” of schools Provides a team of students for positive peer identification Redefines the teacher’s role as that of student advocate
AVID Graduates 91.3 percent plan to enroll in a college or university 58.3 percent plan to enroll in a four-year university 33.0 percent to enroll in a two-year college Source: AVID Center Senior Data Collection System, 2010-2011 Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole percent
Completing College-Entrance Requirements AVID students complete four-year college entrance requirements at a rate at least two times higher than the national rate. AVID Senior Data Collection 2010-2011, AVID CA n = 15522; AVID TX n = 3923; AVID NC n = 709; AVID IL n = 1307; AVID FL n = 1117 COMPARATOR: U.S. Overall: The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Center for Civic Innovation, Education Working Paper No. 8 February 2005, Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters
AVID Closes the Achievement Gap All racial groups complete four-year college entrance requirements at a rate of 84% or higher AVID Center. AVID Senior Data Collection. Study of 27,891 AVID Seniors, [Electronic Database]. (2010 - 2011). Manhattan Institute, Education Working Paper 3. 2003. Greene, J.P., Forster, G. "Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the U.S.” *(Filipino and Other not classified in Manhattan Institute study.) National data represents the most current comprehensive data available
Almost 3 out of 4 AVID graduates were accepted to a four-year college. Getting Accepted to 4-year Colleges Almost 3 out of 4 AVID graduates were accepted to a four-year college. One of the most impressive and consistent indicators of AVID's success is the rate at which it sends students to four-year colleges. Seventy-four percent of 2009 AVID graduates were accepted to a four-year college. AVID Senior Data Collection, All Seniors 2010-2011, n = 27,783
WICOR Writing Writing process (pre-write to final draft) Respond, revise Edit, final draft Cornell notes Quick-writes Learning logs, journals Cornell Notes for class lectures and for textbook
WICOR Inquiry Skilled questioning Socratic Seminars Quick- writes/discussions Critical-thinking activities Writing questions Open-minded activities
WICOR Collaboration Group projects Response/edit/revision groups Collaboration activities Tutorials Study groups Jigsaw activities Read-arounds
WICOR Organization Tools Methods Binders Calendars, planners, agendas Graphic organizers Methods Focused note-taking system Tutorials, study groups Project planning, SMART goals Organization is: Managing materials and practicing methodical study habits Planning and prioritizing school, work, and social tasks Engaging in mental preparation and goal-setting Strategically and intentionally taking responsibility for one’s own learning Students who organize: 1. Develop and use processes, procedures and tools to study effectively. 2. Manage their time through prioritizing and goal-setting 3. Are prepared for courses, participate during instruction and interact with instructors 4. Self-direct, self-evaluate, self-monitor, self-advocate
WICOR Reading SQ5R (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review, Reflect) KWL (What I Know; What to Learn; Learned) Reciprocal teaching “Think-alouds” Text structure Critical reading
AVID Binder Requirements 3” Binder ALL classes in the same binder Pencil Pouch Planner Checked Weekly Why? AVID students are able to come into classes confident and prepared when they have AVID Binders. Students have all homework and study materials with them as needed
Cornell Notes Assist students in retention of knowledge by blending inquiry with frequent review. 4 Stages Note Taking Note Making Note Interacting Note Reflecting 22
Cornell Notes
Cornell Notes Note Taking Paper Set-Up Heading Take neat notes, with adequate spacing 24
Cornell Notes Note Making Revise Notes Chunk notes Write Questions 25
Cornell Notes Note Interacting Summarize Learning Tool 26
Cornell Notes Note Reflecting How can I take better notes? How can I better study my notes? 27
Study Expectations 2 Hours Per Night Complete Note Making and Note Interacting for Cornell Notes for ALL Classes Tutorial Request Forms 28
Tutorials NOT “Tutoring” AVID Tutorial is an inquiry process College Tutor facilitates group members in questioning a student to help him/her discover their solution Much more meaningful than giving a student the answer Students MUST come prepared with a complete TRF to Tutorials 29
Extra Credit-College Corner For Extra Credit Go to Mrs. Goshorn’s website for the template Create a College Corner for a Georgia College or University 30
Field Trips We plan to take a field trip in the fall and another in the spring. Right now, we are looking at taking a trip to Mercer University. We will poll students about our Spring Trip. 31
T-Shirts AVID T-Shirts may be ordered for $5. Working with a T-shirt vendor on design. T-Shirts will be worn for guest speaker days, field trips, and any day at school. 32
How You Can Help Your AVID Student See Back of Agenda If at any time you’d like to set up a conference, please call or email Mrs. Goshorn. 33