Hibernation By Lindsey Harrison
As the weather gets colder in the autumn and leaves start falling from the trees, some animals start getting ready to hibernate. Hibernation is when an animal goes to ….. Autumn
HIBERNATION Here are some animals that hibernate. Doormouse Grizzly Bears Hedgehogs
When do they wake up Hibernating animals wake up when it starts to get warmer in Spring.
Lets learn about Hedgehogs Doormouse Grizzly Bears Hedgehogs
Hedgehogs are animals that hibernate
Can you see my snout?
Can you see my ear?
Can you spot my tail?
Look at my spines.
I have lots and lots of spines.
My spines keep me safe.
Just so I don’t hurt myself I have a furry tummy.
Others should beware!!!
What did you learn about hibernating animals and Hedgehogs?
Bears hibernate. They sleep right through the winter.
Why? Bears will usually go into hibernation when they can’t find food. The winter weather means that there’s not much food around for them. Before they sleep they will eat and eat and eat so that they have enough fat to last them right through the winter.
Where do you think bears go to sleep? In a box? In your garden shed? In a post box?
No, bears will find a place that will give them shelter from the winter cold. They will make dens inside of caves, in a big pile of rocks, or the hollow of a tree.
How long do bears hibernate? Normally from the end of Autumn until Spring…when they can feel the weather getting warmer and they are able to find food again.
And guess what? Mummy bears often give birth to their bear cubs while they are sleeping! The babies stay alive by drinking their mummy’s milk. By Spring, they’ll be ready to wake up and play!