Animals in the Winter
What do animals do during the winter?
What do animals do during the winter?
They Migrate Migrate
They Hibernate
They Adapt
What Does It Mean to Migrate? Some birds will fly to warmer places for the winter months. Once the winter months arrive some birds fly south for the winter seeking a warmer climate.
Hibernate Some animals will hide and sleep during the winter months. They find a warm dry den or tree to live in during the winter. Some of these animals also store food in their winter homes. Chipmunk
Adapt Some animals will adapt to their surroundings by growing a thicker coat or use camouflage by changing their color.
Snowshoe Rabbit in the summer. Adapt Snowshoe Rabbit in the summer.
Snowshoe Rabbit in the winter. Adapt When winter comes the Snoeshoe rabbits fur changes to white. Snowshoe Rabbit in the winter.
Surviving Winter All animals have a way to survive the winter.
What are the three ways an animal will survive during the winter?