Rain Forest Recall Stratification
Niche Occupation Two factors create enormous biodiversity in animal species. Stratification Diversity of tree species.
Rain Forest Conditions vary at each forest level. Different communities evolve to occupy each habitat.
Birds of Paradise mZy_NE&index=2&list=PLE8BC78E237 81DCA1 mZy_NE&index=2&list=PLE8BC78E237 81DCA1
Deciduous Forests Stratification also exists within deciduous forests, Less tree biodiversity than found in rain forests.
Forest Floor Decaying leaves provide a deep, rich layer of soil. Insects and other invertebrates live in the soil and debris, feeding on abundant organic matter
Deciduous Forests Winter Adaptations Migration ○ Many birds fly south to find warmer temperatures and food Hibernation ○ Some mammals reduce their metabolic activity so that they do not need as much food for energy.
Winter Adaptations in Deciduous Forests
Coniferous Forests Adaptations Hibernation Burrowers Thick body hair Recall: Snow acts as an insulator
Coniferous Forests Some animals thrive in the winter conditions.
Tundra caribou Body hair traps air that acts as insulator. migrate during the winter in search of food and water Wolves Take advantage of caribou movement patterns prey on burrowers. ○ Lemmings ○ mice ○ hares
Deserts Recall: water is very limited.
Desert Reptiles Have thick, scaly skin that prevents water loss
Desert Amphibians Burrow in ground and sleep through the dry season.
Nocturnal Behavior Active at night ○ Hunting/feeding at night avoids the daytime heat.
Temperate Grasslands Steppes Prairies
Adaptations During colder months, some animals hibernate in search of food and warmer temperatures. During warmer months, large herbivores are supported by the abundant grasses. Many smaller animals burrow to avoid fires and extreme temperatures throughout the year.
Prairie Dog Towns
Tropical Grasslands AKA Savanna Animal populations concentrate around streams and watering holes. Recall: streams and watering holes are sources of water and more vegetation. vertical feeding patterns: Animals eat vegetation at different heights to avoid competition for limited resources.
Vertical Feeding Pattern
More Adaptations Many animals, such as zebras, migrate long distances in search of water. Predators follow their migration patterns.