Johnson Space Center Prime Contractor Roundtable Eleanor N. Chiogioji, Ph.D. Program Manager Office of Small Business Programs 2 April 2008
2 Office of Small Business Programs Discussion Topics Small Business Utilization Small Business Specialists Involvement SBS Council Small Business Program Report Small Business Improvement Plan New Initiatives NASA Mentor-Protégé Program OSBP Industry Awards Upcoming Events
3 Office of Small Business Programs Proposal Evaluation SB Utilization Clause: Single sub-factor under Mission Suitability Includes two (2) factors Overall SB Program Subcontracting goals based on total contract value Meaningful technical work to SB Past performance working with small business concerns Outreach to small business concerns SDB Participation Recommended 100 of 1000 evaluation points
4 Office of Small Business Programs Proposal Evaluation SB Utilization Clause Status : Procurement Notice (PN) issued; NASA FAR Supplement changed to incorporate clauses Procurement Information Circular (PIC) 08-05, “Small Business (SB) Utilization Subfactor,” contains Model clause for Section H, “SDB Participation— Contract Targets” Model provision language for Section L, “Instructions,” and Section M, “Evaluation Factors for Award” Active PIC website:
5 Office of Small Business Programs Award Fee Evaluation SBS increasingly involved in SEB Factors evaluated SB subcontracting goals achieved Overall SB program quality NASA FAR Supplement recommends that SB performance receive a significant weight—up to 15% of available award fee
6 Office of Small Business Programs Subcontract Monitoring To be monitored: ISR achievement Summarized in Center Procurement Management Surveys Documented in Semi-annual SB Program Report (SBA Best Practices) Contracting Officers asked to account for ISRs that fall short of goals SSR input Managed at HQ Reported to SBA as part of goaling process
7 Office of Small Business Programs Small Business Specialists Council Organized to Develop program infrastructure Establish consistency in procedures and reporting Ensure better communications Provide forum for discussing issues and sharing best practices Comprised of SBS and SBTA from Centers Meets quarterly, at different Centers
8 Office of Small Business Programs Small Business Program Report Compiled by the SBS at each Center Reports on SB goals metrics to date Continuous improvement of SB Program Acquisition planning & contract award activities Outreach, SB events, training Special assignments, recognitions, etc. Submitted to OSBP twice yearly
9 Office of Small Business Programs Small Business Improvement Plan Focuses on continuous improvement of NASA SB Program Annual SBIP meetings to formulate objectives to be achieved by all Centers Participants include SBS, SBTA, procurement representatives, Mission Directors, and senior program managers
10 Office of Small Business Programs New Initiatives Mentor-Protégé Program Informational brochures Updated website OSBP Training Program Small Business Advocates Awards (SBAA) Small Business Industry Awards (SBIA) Administrator’s Cup Award
11 Office of Small Business Programs NASA Mentor-Protégé Program Purpose To enhance the capabilities of eligible Protégés to perform as prime contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers To develop a qualified small business subcontracting base To facilitate the formation of long-term business relationships
12 Office of Small Business Programs NASA Mentor-Protégé Program Program Highlights NASA Center-focused program SBS administers M-P agreement HQ provides final approval and oversight Mentor application Submit to HQ anytime Valid for six years Mentor-Protégé agreements Submit to Center SBS by deadlines: 15 January, 15 May, 15 September May not exceed 36 months period of performance
13 Office of Small Business Programs NASA Mentor-Protégé Program Program Highlights (cont.) Clear guidance and documented processes and procedures Mentors receive credit on ISRs for providing developmental assistance Award Fee Pilot Program for NASA SBIR Phase II Protégés Expands eligible Protégé categories to include VOSB, SDVOSB, HUBZone, and NASA SBIR Phase II companies, in addition to SDB, WOSB, and HBCU/MI
14 Office of Small Business Programs NASA Mentor-Protégé Program Status Currently undergoing final revisions and edits by Procurement and OMB Must go out for public comment in Federal Register before final approval Will be published in NASA FAR Supplement and on OSBP website, Point of Contact:Tracy Slagle (202)
15 Office of Small Business Programs OSBP Industry Awards Award Categories Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Large Business Prime Contractor of the Year Small Business Subcontractor of the Year
16 Office of Small Business Programs OSBP Industry Awards Award Criteria Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year 1. Performs well on all NASA contracts and is on schedule and within cost 2. Exhibits responsiveness to contractual requirements, works cooperatively with contracting officials and program personnel, limits subcontracting to large businesses 3. Provides innovative solutions to problems / issues that arise in the contract
17 Office of Small Business Programs OSBP Industry Awards Award Criteria Large Business Prime Contractor of the Year 1. Performs well on all NASA contracts 2. Demonstrates overall sound small business programs, meets or exceeds small business requirements, uses small business contractors to perform some technical requirements of the contract during contract execution 3. Sponsors / participates in outreach activities
18 Office of Small Business Programs OSBP Industry Awards Award Criteria Small Business Subcontractor of the Year 1. Performs well as subcontractor on NASA contracts 2. Provides value-added and outstanding support—on schedule and within cost—to the prime contractor and innovative solutions to problems / issues that arise in the execution of the contract 3. Works cooperatively with NASA and prime contractor personnel
19 Office of Small Business Programs OSBP Industry Awards Award Procedures Agency industry award candidates to be comprised of Center industry award winners Deadline for submittals: 1 September 2008 Agency awards presented at NASA Small Business Symposium and Awards Ceremony, November 2008, Washington, D.C. All Center industry award winners to be recognized 2008 Small Business Advocates Awards also to be presented
20 Office of Small Business Programs Upcoming Events OSDBU Procurement Conference: 24 April 2008 Upper Marlboro, MD SBIP and SBS Council meeting: 9-12 June 2008 MSFC, Huntsville, AL KSC Expo: 21 October 2008 Port Canaveral, FL NASA SB Symposium & Awards Ceremony: November 2008 Washington, D.C.
21 Office of Small Business Programs ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - was voted best picture taken by the Hubble telescope