An Attitude of Gratitude: Creating an Institutional Culture of Appreciation Presented by Jacqueline C. Almquist, Ex. Dir. of the SFCC Foundation Michael Ash, Ed.D., V.P. of Institutional Advancement and Resource Development AQIP Colloquium 2010
Appreciation "Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated." — H. Jackson Brown Jr. from Life's Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life AQIP Colloquium 2010
Make Their Day!* Employee Recognition That Works By Cindy Ventrice Take it off the to-do list Create a culture of appreciation Tie recognition to performance and outcomes Praise, opportunity, respect & thanks Catch people doing things right *Adapted from Ventrice, C. (2003). Make their day: Employee recognition that works. Berrett-Koehler: San Francisco. AQIP Colloquium 2010
SFCC Culture AQIP Colloquium 2010 SFCC is an accessible, learning-centered institution, enriching its students and community by providing skills, knowledge and perspectives essential for a changing world.
Employee Recognition at SFCC Recognition Gap Current System Employee Needs Improvement Process Next Steps AQIP Colloquium 2010
Recognition Defined As… “Recognition practices refer to nonmonetary rewards through which an organization tangibly signals its appreciation of quality work and achievements. They also include efforts made by the organization to carefully consider employee suggestions and provide employees with positive feedback” (Paré & Tremblay, 2007, p. 330).
Recognition Gap at SFCC AQIP Colloquium 2010
Recognition Gap at SFCC Additional Questions Employees’ suggestions are taken into consideration In my work unit, employees’ suggestions are followed up on regularly. When an employee does good quality work, his or her colleagues regularly show him or her their appreciation. In my work unit, supervisors tangibly recognize employees’ efforts in different ways (e.g. awards, certificates, etc.). In my work unit, employees receive written recognition from their supervisors (e.g. memos, performance review, thank-you cards, or s). In my work unit, supervisors regularly congratulate employees in recognition of their efforts. AQIP Colloquium 2010
Systems Portfolio – Current Programs Employee recognition AQIP categories Full-time faculty of the yearHelping Students Learn Valuing People Adjunct faculty of the yearHelping Students Learn Valuing People Service awardsHelping Students Learn and Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Valuing People Sizzle Award (peer to peer award recognizing outstanding quality service) Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Valuing People President’s Mission Award (exemplary service in support of the college’s mission) Helping Students Learn Valuing People STAR awards (recognizes participation on improvement teams) Helping Students Learn and Accomplishing Other Objectives Valuing People SFCC Foundation employee campaignAccomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Valuing People Figure 4P7.1 Employee recognition and reward system alignment with Categories 1, 2 and 4
Basic Employee Needs* 1. I know what is expected of me at work. 2. I have the resources I need to do my work properly 3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I am best at daily. 4. In the last 7 days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. 5. My supervisor, or someone at work seems to care about me as a person. 6. There is someone at work who encourages my development. 7. At work my opinions seem to count. 8. The mission/purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important. 9. My coworkers are committed to do quality work. 10. I have a best friend at work. 11. In the last 6 months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 12. This last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow. * Adapted from survey information from the Gallup Organization as presented (and adapted) by M. Buckingham & C. Coffman, First Break all the Rules, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999, p. 28 and subsequently by M, Kets de Vries. AQIP Colloquium 2010
Leadership Needs Analysis* Self-Report The self report contains a list of 27 statements under 2 categories Rate both the “Importance of the Skill to the Job” and “Present Level of Ability” On my job I have to… *Adapted from Development Dimensions International Inc.
Valuing People AQIP Team Needs and Process Analysis SFCC’s gap is typical of community colleges nationwide SFCC’s gap is typical of community colleges nationwide A larger, formal program based on best practices is desired A larger, formal program based on best practices is desired Processes need to be continuously defined for formal recognition awards Processes need to be continuously defined for formal recognition awards Data suggests need for supervisor training Data suggests need for supervisor training Change = A New Norm = Organizational Transformation Change = A New Norm = Organizational Transformation
Approach Integrate Learn Deploy Process Implementation/Improvement Plan Steps AQIP Colloquium 2010
Valuing People AQIP Team Opportunities Professional Development Supervisor Training Personalized Appreciation Processes for Full time, Part-time/Half-time employees Employee Appreciation Day Formal Awards Enhanced Group Celebrations
Implementation – Pilot Approach Next Steps, Recommended by Valuing People AQIP Team Survey Staff Regarding Supervisor Training Needs Develop a Supervisors’ Training Program Develop a Flexible Professional Development Training Schedule for all employees Develop a Succession Plan AQIP Colloquium 2010