A Course Redesign Initiative at a Southern Public University G. David Johnson Jack Dempsey University of South Alabama
Institutional Backdrop Financial crisis Decreasing state support Increasing demand for flexible learning opportunities LMS decision Better technology options
Redesign RFPs Description of specific innovation Instructional efficiency goals as measured by instructional salary/credit hour production Rationale for choosing the innovation Costs associated with implementation Time frame for piloting redesign Faculty Proposal
Redesign RFPs Evaluation plan to demonstrate improved quality and cost efficiencies Sources of baseline information Baseline instructional costs How active learning results How student learning is measured Proposal Review Cont’d
Course Redesign Initiative First Round 37 faculty Proposals respond to SVPAA’s call Up to 18,000 annual course enrollments potentially affected 25 pilots started fall 2010 semester CollegeProposals Course Enrollments A&S2012,220 CESP61,946 CIS21,887 COE4445 MCOB51, ,916
Strong Support from Deans Deans video
Principles: Improve Quality Increase Cost Efficiency
Research Support USDOE meta-analysis* “Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.” “Instruction combining online and face-to-face elements had a larger advantage relative to purely face-to-face instruction than did purely online instruction.” *Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, Washington, D.C., 2009.
Research Support NCAT projects* (redesign 30 institutions) 25 of 30 signif. increases in learning (others NSD) Majority reported increased course- completion and lower DFW rates Avg. cost reduction 37% *National Council on Academic Transformation.
Six Models of Course Redesign (based on NCAT) The Supplemental Model The Replacement Model The Emporium Model The Fully Online Model The Buffet Model Linked Workshop Model Math Emporium Lab at Univ. of South Alabama
Course Redesign Initiative Focus –High enrollment courses –eLearning usually blended format
Scope U. South Alabama 37 redesign proposals (first round) affecting estimated 4,400 undergrads NCAT 30 institutions 30 course redesigns affecting 50,000 students nationwide
Type of Redesign
Models of Redesign fall 2010
Quality and Cost Efficiencies Creative eLearning technologies – lecture capture – interactive instructional materials from publishers – online tutoring – guided examples – team case studies – expert guests
Quality and Cost Efficiencies Active on-campus learning sessions – Structured team-based problems – Cases and inquiry learning scenarios – Oral and project presentations – Large group content review – Strategic quizzing; practice tests – Critiques and discussion
How have we supported? Professional Development NCAT and Sloan-C Conferences and workshops - 3 groups of faculty Innovation in Learning Center workshops ILC Redesign website Evaluation assistance Redesign Academy (3 days w/ honorarium) Redesign Faculty Get-Togethers
How have we supported? Direct Support New Institutional tools (iTunesU, Camtasia Relay, Kaltura, Big blue Button) Personal Tools (laptops, software) E-Learning Assistant Program ILC staff shooting video of blended course activities
How have we supported? Peer Modeling Some eLeader program topics: – Creating screencasts for Political Science – Using online debates in Community Health courses – Assessment--matching Engineering outcomes – iTunes U in Real Estate courses – Using Wikis in Library Science – Presentation skills for video in Nursing courses – Preparing student review podcasts om Business – Virtual Engineering chalkboard
Faculty Reactions faculty video
How did we measure? Cost Indicators Comparison of Methods Institutional Personnel cost per Student % Change in personnel cost per student Course enrollment Reduction in part-time instructors and GAs Course Specific Reassign faculty assignments Time for research and grant-seeking
How did we measure? Quality Metrics Comparison of Methods Institutional Student Success rates D/Fs, WDs Course Specific Common Final Exams Common Content Items Selected from Exams Pre- and Post-tests Student Work Using Common Rubrics
Personnel Costs fall 2010 RedesignComparison% Change Course enrollment Full-time instructors 2954 Part-time instructors 2038 GA’s (teaching only) 01 Avg FT instructor cost per student $87.17$ % Avg PT instructor cost per student $15.53$ % Total Personnel cost per student incl. GAs support personnel $125$ %
Personnel Costs Spring 2011 RedesignComparison% Change Course enrollment 3,1503,296 Full-time instructors 2538 Part-time instructors 2431 GA’s (teaching only) 01 Avg FT instructor cost per student $78.21$ % Avg PT instructor cost per student $16.73$ % Total Personnel cost per student incl. GAs support personnel $110.28$ %
Fall 2010 Grade Comparisons RedesignComparison FrequencyPercentFrequencyPercent Success Rate 2, , D/F Rate WD Rate Incompletes Total Students 3, ,
Spring 2011 Grade Comparisons RedesignComparison FrequencyPercentFrequencyPercent Success Rate 2, D/F Rate WD Rate Incompletes Total Students 3, ,
Continue Formative Focus Working with administrators and faculty to improve or restructure course redesign Alert chairs and deans to problems Discuss course redesign changes with Depts. Ongoing reports to VP
Formative Focus Identify most effective and efficient courses Determine commonalities that resulted in success Structure Activities Course formats Targeted faculty training Student support from faculty members USA Redesign Academy
Some Improvements Initial student orientation help create structure Changing from online to more structured blended format for 100-level courses Evaluate savings in classroom use Student Orientation Video prepared by the USA Innovation in Learning Center.
Risks & Rewards Wildflowers or Weeds?Principle-guided Innovation Special thanks to our colleague Cecelia Martin for her help in analyzing data related to this presentation.