A CADEMIC C ALENDER Autumn semester : until 5:00 p.m. Deadline for registration to courses via ÕIS Intermediate week (exams, intensive courses) Start of exam session Christmas holiday Exam session continues End of the autumn semester
A CADEMIC C ALENDER Spring semester : Online registration in the Spring Semester courses Intermediate week (exams+ re- exams and re-assessments) End of the right to take 2015/16 study year autumn semester courses’ exams Exam session End of the spring semester Summer holiday
G RADUATION REQUIREMENTS Complete the curriculum in determined load, e.g. pass all compulsory courses and the elective courses in the load determined by the curriculum and defend Bachelor`s thesis; Fulfill the additional graduation conditions stated by the Tallinn University Study Regulations: - by the end of daytime studies a full time student has to acquire English skills at level C1.2 in accordance with the European language study framework document - the student must achieve the required level of proficiency in computer skills as established by the Institute of Informatics and confirmed by the Education Committee of the University Senate.
S TUDY R EGULATIONS Full-time and part-time studies In full-time study, a student shall complete curricular subjects a minimum of 45 ECTS credits per study year. If a student has less than 45 ECTS he/she will be transferred into part-time study. As a part-time student you won’t get any grants. In part-time study, a student shall complete curricular subjects a minimum of 30 ECTS credits per study year. If a student has less than 30 ECTS he/she will be deleted from the matriculation register. At the end of each study year, the University shall determine the study load of the student for the following study year, based on the results of the previous study period.
S TUDY R EGULATIONS You have the right to be admitted to Autumn semester courses’ exams and pass/fail assessments up to two times (1 main time& 1 re-take) till the end of spring semesters’ intermediate. You are allowed to take exams only at the time of exam period! When taking (re-)exam or re-assessment you must register yourself through Study Information System (ÕIS)! You can register for (re-)examinations or re-assessments only if you do not have any unpaid tuition fees. If you have registered yourself for the (re-)exam or re- assessment, but for some reason you cannot go, then you must unregister. You must do that at least 24 hours before the exam or test takes place! If you don’t pass the course after second time, you must re- take the whole course. After re-taking and still not passing the course you will be deleted from the matriculation register.
C ONTACT INFORMATION Terje Braun Room: M-565 in Tallinn, Lectures days Thursday – Saturday in Helsinki. Phone: , Maris Liström Room: M-566 in Tallinn, Lectures days Thursday – Saturday in Helsinki. Phone: ,