Course Planning Grade 8 9
Objectives Introduce the role of the counsellor. General introduction to the world of post- secondary. Introduce the graduation program. Explain Grade 9 course options. Provide general information about a variety of courses.
Role of the Counsellor Who is your counsellor? Mrs. Pooni and Mr.Sall (A – K) Mrs. Smalley (L – Z), Mr. Sall on Fridays Why might someone see a counsellor? Academic Career Personal Delview Counselling
Referrals How does your counsellor know who to see? Self Friends Parents/Family Teachers/Administrators How to sign up. Emergencies
Confidentiality 3 exceptions: Harm self Harm others Harmed by others
Course Planning Portion Your Future
Making decisions about courses….
Decision Making About Courses Interests Strengths/Weakness Family’s Influence Friends’ Influence Required for Career Like the teacher… Options open….
Many pathways…….
Life After High School Part-time work Full-time work Part-time work and school Travel, Volunteer Abroad Canadian Armed Forces Trades College and University
Graduation Requirements Must pass: English: up to grade 12 Social Studies: up to grade 11 Science: up to grade 11 Math: up to grade 11 Physical Education: up to grade 10 Will need one Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11, or 12 course (e.g. Foods, Shop, Music, Drama, Computers, Art) Planning 10 leading up to Grad Transitions 12
Graduation Continued…… 80 Credits Needed to Graduate Each course is 4 credits A minimum of 16 credits must be at the Grade 12 level (includes Language Arts 12)
Career Development Programs Tech Stretch Apprenticeship Program ACE -IT Work Experience Program See Mr. Prideaux in Career Centre
Delta Academies
Baseball - Sands Dance - Delta Sec Film - Acting - Ladner Film - Acting Film - Production - Ladner Film - Production Golf - Seaquam Hockey - Burnsview Hockey - South Delta Lacrosse - Delta Sec Soccer - South Delta and Sands Soccer - South Delta Softball – Seaquam Cadets - Seaquam C 16 DELTA ACADEMIES
Grade 9 Program English 9 Science 9 A Math 9 Social Studies 9 PE 9 Elective
English English 10 Communications 12 English 12 Literature 12 Communications 11 Writing 12 English We advise you choose Engl or Com based on Teacher Recommendation
Social Studies 10 Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations 12 History 12 Law 12 Psychology 11 Socials Psychology 12 Geography Comparative Civilization 12 (not UBC) Economics 12
Science Biology 12 Biology 11 Science 10 Sci & Tech 11 Teacher Recommended Chemistry 12 Chemistry 11 Earth Science 11 Physics 12 Physics 11 Geology 12 C+ 20
Math Curriculum MATH 9 Apprenticeship & Workplace 10 Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10 Apprenticeship & Workplace 11 Apprenticeship & Workplace 11 Foundations 11 Pre-Calculus 11 Apprenticeship & Workplace 12 Foundations 12 Pre-Calculus 12 Post-Secondary programs requiring theoretical calculus Post-Secondary programs not requiring theoretical calculus Entry into the majority of trades or direct entry to the workplace Other optional courses such as Calculus 12
Languages French 8 French 9 French 10 Intro. Spanish 11 (SFU) Spanish 11French 11 Spanish 12 French 12 22
Do I Need a 2 nd Language? There are many advantages of having a 2 nd language A second language is not required for graduation 2 nd language to Grade 11 may be required for BC University entrance (if apply from highschool; may not if apply after 2 years of college) UBC - Vancouver SFU (can be beginners level – ie. Spanish 11Beginners) Most Apprenticeships, Trade Programs do not require 2 nd language
Courses (Grade 9 – 12) Physical Education Physical Education (9 – 12) Required to grade 10 Physical Education 11 & 12 are co-ed Fit For Life 11/12 for girls
KEYBOARDING 9 Typing, word processing/formatting INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 9 Basic computer skills, web design 25 BUSINESS
26 Home Economics Foods 9 Cooking in groups Textiles 9 Sewing PE 9 is required Physical Education & Planning
27 Technology Education Woodwork 9 Metalwork 9 Power Technology 9 Engines, making power with machines Electronics 9 Electrical circuits & components CAD/Drafting 9 Computer aided architectural design
28 Visual Arts Visual Arts 9 (General) 2D and 3D Media Arts 9 Video production, animation, camera, photoshop…
29 Drama Drama 9 Acting Beginner Band 9 Junior Band 9 Guitar 9 – no experience needed New: Choral Music/Musical Theatre 9 Group and/or individual singing Performing Arts Music
30 Strategies for Learning 9 LA/LD There is a process for being referred ELL 9 Speak to Ms. Stevens if you need more ELL courses next year Get Help
What now? READ the course selection booklet Posted on Delview homepage Students Course Planning Drop in to see your counsellor at lunch or after school if you have questions; or send an . Don’t wait! Parent meeting on Wed. Feb.27, 7:00 Parent Connect open
TIME TO PICK COURSES All registration will be done through “Parent Connect”. Follow the links from the Delview website:
1. What is the name of your counsellor? A-K: Mrs. Pooni, Mr. Sall L-Z: Ms. Smalley (Mr. Sall on Fridays) 2. How do you contact your counsellor? Go to counselling hallway….form by door…. … 3. Define confidentiality. Can’t share with others….private. 4. What are two things to consider when choosing your elective courses? Interests, strengths, family….. 5. Do you need a second language to graduate? No Course Planning 2014
6. How many electives do you get in Grade 9? 3 7. Other than French (and English) what language is offered at Delview? Spanish 8. Name one technology course and one business course. WW, MW, PT, DRAFT or KB and IT 9. When is Band 9 offered? AM 10. Which website do you use to select your courses? Delview
What is the Number 1 thing that will lead you to success? Hard Work (grit!) Kindness, and Willingness to ask for help, also help