About DCCCD Dallas County Community College District offers freshman- and sophomore-level courses leading toward a bachelor's degree, as well as more than 100 one- and two-year career and technical training programs. The district also offers a wide variety of noncredit continuing education courses.
Student Information Together, the colleges of DCCCD enroll more undergraduate students than any other college, university or community college system in the state. We serve more than 70,000 credit and 25,000 continuing education students each semester. The district includes seven affordable, accredited and accessible colleges conveniently located throughout Dallas County. Our virtual campus, Dallas TeleCollege Online, offers a broad range of distance learning courses and degree programs.
Business Information DCCCD has an annual operating budget of more than $400 million. We have earned "AAA" ratings from the nation's most respected financial firms. We're building for the future with a $450 million bond program. We work with businesses throughout the Metroplex through our workforce and contract training and business diversity programs.
Community Impact We employ just over 7,400 people, both part- and full- time, 3,100 of those faculty members. We add approximately $1.5 billion to the area’s economy annually, including current operations and past student productivity (contributions through increased salaries and wages, based on educational levels. Our colleges operate Financial Aid Offices to help students obtain financial assistance for higher education in the form of grants, loans, scholarships or part-time employment.