Scott Grothe Accountability Program Manager October 19, 2011
Performance measures from the Board’s Strategic Plan Performance & profile measures from the DFM Reports Additional measures requested by the Board IPEDS data No direct Idaho comparisons among Idaho institutions Peer comparisons for BSU, EITC, ISU LCSC, & U of I on… Following questions…an additional peer comparison intended to begin a discussion on efficiency measures that could be used next year
Idaho US
Full-time Part-time
2010 Full-time rate = 54% 2010 Part-time rate = 45%
Full-time Part-time
Full-time Part-time
Full-time Part-time
Full-time Part-time
Full-time Part-time
For 2010 27 Certificates of < 1 Year 28 Certificates of 1 to 2 Years 146 Associate’s Degrees
* denotes aspirational peer.
ElementMet?Operational? Statewide Student Identifier YesYes* Student-Level Enrollment Data Yes Student-Level Test Data Yes Information on Untested Students Yes Statewide Teacher Identifier with a Teacher-Student Match Yes Student-Level Course Completion (transcript) Data Yes Student-Level SAT, ACT, & Advance Placement Exam Data Yes Student-Level Graduation & Dropout Data Yes Ability to Match Student-level P-12 & Higher Education Data Yes A State Data Audit System YesNo*
ActionMet?Operational? Linked data systems No Create stable, sustained support Yes Develop governance structures Yes Build state data repositories YesOnly K-12 Implement systems to provide timely access to information No*Yes* Create progress reports using individual student data to improve student performance Yes Create reports using longitudinal statistics to guide system- wide improvement efforts No Develop a P-20/workforce research agenda No Promote educator professional development & credentialing No Promote strategies to raise awareness of available data No
* denotes aspirational peer. Instruction Research
* denotes aspirational peer. Instruction Research
* denotes aspirational peer. Instruction Research
* denotes aspirational peer. Instruction Research