@sparqs_scotland Are “harder to reach” students really harder to reach? Stephanie Millar, sparqs
@sparqs_scotland SFC statistics Mode of attendance of courseCount% of overall Short full-time13,3615% Block release4,5882% Part-time (Day Release)29,09411% Other Part-time Day Course75,23428% Evenings & Weekends only26,7810% Assessment of Work Based Learning6,9653% Distance Learning6,7443% Open learning or directed private study systems10,1074% Flexible learning14,8346% Full-Time78,39329% Part-Time, but previously met old full-time criteria1,9661%
@sparqs_scotland Student Engagement Framework for Scotland There are five key elements: 1.Students feeling part of a supportive institution. 2.Students engaging in their own learning. 3.Students working with their institution in shaping the direction of learning. 4.Formal mechanisms for quality and governance. 5.Influencing the student experience at national level.
@sparqs_scotland Student Engagement Framework for Scotland There are six features: 1.A culture of engagement. 2.Students as partners. 3.Responding to diversity. 4.Valuing the student contribution. 5.Focus on enhancement and change. 6.Appropriate resources and support.
@sparqs_scotland Student views Dialogue with staff Improved learning experience
@sparqs_scotland What do we know? One size doesn’t fit all. Transposing “standard” mechanisms rarely works. You need to know what non-FT students think. Non-FT students have things to tell you. Non-FT students can be engaged….
@sparqs_scotland Task Using element … 4. Formal mechanisms for quality and governance. …. think what methods colleges use to engage their students.
@sparqs_scotland Using four aspects of element 4 answer the following: What might be exclusionary about this? How could you fix this?
@sparqs_scotland Resources Supported education students CR training Self evaluation tool – in development. Course rep lifecycle - %20-%20institution.pdf %20-%20institution.pdf Students’ Association training -
@sparqs_scotland Resources ESOL students CR training Self evaluation tool -
@sparqs_scotland Apprentices