BLS Developments Thomas J. Nardone Associate Commissioner for Employment Statistics C2ER Annual Conference June 8, 2012
The next BLS Commissioner Will serve fixed 4-year term On Feb. 22, President nominated Erica Groshen, NY Fed VP Senate confirmation next BLS prepared with comprehensive briefing book
The next BLS Appropriation (FY 2013) President’s request: $618.2 million, including: $8.3M--”Built-ins” for existing programs $1.6M--Annual CPS supplemental survey $2.5M--CEX input to Census poverty measure ($2.0M)--Eliminate ILC
Developments in BLS regional statistics Current Employment Statistics (CES) Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Other programs Employment Projections Green jobs surveys 4
CES Developments Continue realignment of responsibility for State and area estimates from States to BLS 5
Restructuring FY 2011 budget required production of estimates to be centralized removed $5M from BLS budget for FY 2011 Original implementation targeted for January 2011 estimates delayed implementation until March estimates (in April 2011) due to Continuing Resolutions 6
Restructuring Implementation was difficult Temporarily utilized BLS staff from – State & Area group (full time) – Regional Offices (part time) – Other National Office groups (part time) State input and cooperation was a key part of the success of the implementation 7
Restructuring While BLS and States have implemented the initiative as directed by the President’s FY 2011 Budget – we still have improvements to make Most importantly, we need to ensure that these data are useful for all of our customers 8
Data Collection Kansas City DCC Expansion Construction begun, equipment ordered Some interviewers started in February remainder will be hired after construction complete Some repeat E/R offenders moved to Permanent-CATI Reduced amount of firms rolled to Web Keep more firms on CATI 9
2011 Benchmark Aggregate Results BLS typically discusses State revisions as of March to compare to National Statewide TNF average absolute revision at March 2011 was 0.5 percent MSA TNF average absolute revision at March 2011 was 1.1 percent Statewide TNF average absolute revision at December 2011 was 0.7 percent 10
2011 Benchmark Aggregate Results Results were more dispersed on a State-by-State basis Range of revisions was within historical norms Some States had smaller benchmark revisions than in the past while others had larger revisions than in the past 11
QCEW Developments Shortened lag between data reference period and release to less than 6 months in 2011 4 th quarter 2010 data to be released 6/30/2011 1 st quarter 2011 to be released 9/29/ st quarter 2011 data produced on 2012 North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) basis Reduction in manufacturing detail (108 industries) 4 new alternative energy industries—solar, wind, geothermal, biomass Reduction in retail trade industries (7 industries) 12
New BED data BED data on Age and Survival (2011) State by two digit (Feb 2012) 13 QCEW Developments
Data sharing: MOU on Multi’s Start addressing 50-year old issue BLS will start adjudicating units with differing NAICS codes – largest units first Will provide results to States, try to agree Will exclude adjudicated units from ARS for 2 cycles Will track Census use of adjudicated codes 14
OES Developments More web collection— and Web-lite make up about 18% More timely OES estimates Estimates 7 weeks earlier than last year Quality improvements Structured State operations review Providing preliminary estimates for a last opportunity to correct or set as nonresponses questionable employer reports COC quality initiative 15
LAUS Developments Census 2010 population counts was incorporated with data for January 2012 Implement LAUSOne system Improve State and Sub-state Area Estimates Research use of American Community Survey data
Employment Projections Released February 5, 2012 Impact of the recession Occupational Outlook Handbook was rewritten as a web-based publication Revised system for classifying occupations by education, training, and experience needed published in Monthly Labor Review 17
New education and training classification 18 Three categories of information for each occupation: Typical education needed for entry Work experience in a related occupation Typical on-the-job training needed to attain competency in the occupation ■ The categories make up a typical path to entry and competency
Education and training classification 19 Typical entry-level education Work experience in a related occupation Typical OJT needed to attain competency Doctoral or professional degree More than 5 yearsInternship/residency Master's degree1-5 yearsApprenticeship Bachelor's degreeLess than 1 year Long-term OJT (more than 1 year) Associate's degreeNone Moderate-term OJT (1 to 12 months) Postsecondary non-degree award Short-term OJT (less than 1 month) Some college, no degreeNone High school diploma or equivalent Less than high school
BLS green jobs initiative Goals are to provide information on: Number of green jobs and trends over time Industrial, occupational, and geographic distribution of these jobs 20
BLS green jobs initiative Green Goods and Services (GGS) employment by industry released March 22 3.1 million green jobs in 2010, 2.4 percent of employment State data by 2-digit industries Green Goods and Services (GGS) occupational staffing patterns and wages Green Technology and Practices (GTP): number of establishments using GTP; occupational employment and wages of workers spending more than half their time involved with GTP 21
Contact Information Thomas J. Nardone, Associate Commissioner