From the North of Africa to the North of Europe
Seven islands (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma y El Hierro) Km2 2 million inhabitants 260 inhabitants/km2 GDP millions euros (approx.) 91% of European Union average GDP per capita. Canary Islands
Institutional context One of the 17 Autonomous Commnunities of Spain, with an “status” of nacionality, with our own Parliament and Government. One of the 211 europeans regions. One of the 7 ultraperiferic regions of European Union (Azores, Madeira, Guadalupe, Martinica, Guyana, Islas Reunión).
At the beginning…
Choosing topics … Cross-curricular subjects: – The environment – The sexism – The immigration and the racism – The health food – Peace and tolerance – Effects: – Out of school activities – Complementary activities – Lists of topics of each department – Syllabus distribution
Health food: Chestnuts and oranges
Health food: Eating disorders and fruit
Health food: A good breakfast
But not only a party… They have to work: – Science (Chemistry) – English – Spanish Compositions – French – Geography (Climate) – Social Sciences (Agriculture) – Information tecnology –…–… They have to work: – Looking for information – Making posters – Asking for food – Preparing dishes – Taking photographs for our monthly bulletin –…–…
With a little help of… Red de Escuelas Sostenibles (Schools Association for Sustainable Development) Red de Escuelas Solidarias (Solidarity Schools Association) Red de Escuelas Promotoras de Salud (Health Schools Association)
And recycling…
Our web
Our virtual classroom