SFRB Information Session FY17 Funding Tuesday, August 3 rd Wednesday August 4 th Mirage/Thunderbird Student Union Building University of New Mexico Student Fee Review Board
AGENDA - Introduction to the Board - Timeline - FY17 Funding/voting - Application Changes - Policy Updates - Unit Eligibility - Funding Considerations - Potential Outcomes - Presenting Your Budget - Communication
Student Fee Review Board GPSA Members VOTING Texanna Martin (GPSA President, SFRB Chair) Hilary Wainright (GPSA Council Chair) NON-VOTING Matthew Rush Ivet Rosev SFRB: FY16 FY13-16
Student Fee Review Board ASUNM Members VOTING Jenna Hagengruber (ASUNM President, SFRB Vice Chair) Tori Pryor (ASUNM Chief of Staff) Mario Perez Randy Fong-Geen Ko Bradley Sedillo NON-VOTING Delia Brennan SFRB: FY15 FY16
Student Fee Review Board Timeline APPLICATION OPEN Wednesday, July 22, 2015 ( APPLICATION WORKSHOPS (MANDATORY FOR APPLICANTS) Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 5-6 pm Mirage/Thunderbird Wednesday, August 5, 2015, pm Mirage/Thunderbird
Student Fee Review Board Timeline APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, September 11, pm, GPSA Office HEARINGS Saturday, September 19, 2015, 10 am – 5 pm, Ballroom A Sunday, September 20, 2015, 12 pm – 5 pm, Ballroom A Saturday, September 27, 2015, 12 pm – 5 pm, Ballroom A
Student Fee Review Board Timeline STUDENT FORUMS Monday, October 19th, 2015, 12 pm – 1 pm, SUB Atrium Tuesday, October 20th, 2015, 12 pm – 1 pm, SUB Atrium DELIBERATIONS Saturday, October 24th, 2015, 9 am – 5 pm Mirage-Thunderbird Sunday, October 25th, pm – 7 pm Mirage-Thunderbird
Student Fee Review Board FY17 Funding Funding based on revenue (Total $ Amount) Organizations will receive set amount Funding will not Increase/Decrease with enrollment Student Representation Voting Members: 5 (Undergraduate), 2 (Graduate) Non-Voting: 1 (Undergraduate), 2 (Graduate) Vote of Approval Supermajority: 6 of 7
Student Fee Review Board FY17 Application Changes - Executive Summary (FY 16) - Questions combined & reduced (FY 16) - 10 page application limit supplementary material: Provided electronically Brought to budget hearing All applications are posted to the SFRB website (including prior applications)
Student Fee Review Board Executive Summary What it is? -No longer than one (1) page -Introduces your application -Captures the most important information from your application Why we want it? -Provides the SFRB with a guide to reading your full application -Improves transparency to students and other constituents who may review SFRB materials Examples of Executive Summary are available on the SFRB website
Student Fee Review Board FY16 Policy Updates (No new updates FY 17) - Revised timeline (Fall Semester) - Change in Advisors - Addition of Ethics and Conflicts of Interest section UAP 1310 Student Fee Review Board News Announcement from the UNM Policy Office revised.html
Student Fee Review Board Unit Eligibility ELIGIBLE UNM non-academic departments (programs, organizations, and/or resources centers) INELIGIBLE ✗ Chartered student organizations that submit appropriation application (ASUNM Senate or GPSA Council) ✗ Organizations independent of UNM
Student Fee Review Board SFRB Funding Considerations Impact on Students: - Potential benefits the entire UNM campus - Applicability to student fees - Advancement of student learning - Unique need on campus Funding Availability: - Justification of funding increase/decrease - External funding sources
Student Fee Review Board Potential Funding Outcome SFRB provides recommendations to the BLT & UNM Regents There is no guarantee of funding The SFRB may direct programs to more appropriate funding sources The SFRB must consider access and affordability of education in its recommendations
Student Fee Review Board Budget Spreadsheets Form A: Funding Detail (University Funding) Provide a list of current year’s funding Column A – Total, Column B – University Funding, Column C – SFRB Funding (See SFRB budget request & recommendations)requestrecommendations Provide a list of current year’s SFRB funding revisions (if necessary, Column d) Provide a list of FY17 budget requests Column E – Total, Column F – University Funding, Column G – SFRB Funding You do not need to determine full time enrollment (FTE) budget amounts
Student Fee Review Board Budget Spreadsheets – Cont. Form B: Funding Increase & One-time Funding If you are requesting a funding increase you must fill out Form B (top) If you are requesting one time funding you must fill out Form B (bottom) Form C: External Funding If you receive external funding you must fill out Form C
Student Fee Review Board Presenting Your Budget - Provide a brief overview of organization - Provide an overview of FY 17 programs/funding - Specify which items will be funded by SFRB - Highlight New/Additional programs - Include all funding sources (Form C) (eg: Instruction & General, grants, department funding, state/federal funding, etc.) - Funding will be allocated based off fixed funding amount ($, no longer FTE) *Units requesting over $350,000 will be given 30 minute for question & answer Hearing Format: 15 minute Presentation 15 minute* Q&A
Student Fee Review Board Communicating with the SFRB Website: Visit or Contact the ASUNM/GPSA Offices: GPSA President Texanna Martin, SFRB Chair Student Union Building, 1021 (505) ASUNM President Jenna Hagengruber, SFRB Vice Chair Student Union Building, 1016 (505)