San Buenaventura Ochoa Michael
Table of Contents When and where Mission was built Mission Site Indians Joining this Mission BibliographyBack to main menu Population Significant Events Agriculture and Livestock Mission Layout and Bell Tower Father Serra and Founder of Mission What I Liked Best Current Use of Mission
When Mission was Built (Founded) My mission was founded on March 31, 1782 by Father Juniper Serra.
Mission Site The mission was located near the sizeable Indian village of Mitsquanaqai`n with about 500 inhabitants. San Buenaventura is 70 miles north of los Angeles in the city of Ventura which developed around the mission.
Father Juniper Serra Saint Bonaventure, a 13th century Franciscan cardinal and renowned philosopher.
Founder of Mission Frs. Vincente de Santa María and Francisco Dymetz.
Mission Layout and Bell Tower
Agriculture and Livestock In 1816 the peak year the mission had over 41,000 animals including 23,400 cattle, 12,144 sheep and 4,493 horses one of the largest stables of horses in the mission chain.
Indians Joining this Mission San Buenaventura was located in the land of the Chumash people. After the establishment of the mission.
Population The peak years for this mission were The highest recorded population was 1,328 in During the mission era there were 1,107 marriages performed at San Buenaventura.
Significant Events Althoughthe mission was month in 1818 because of the threat of a pirate attack by the Argentine privateer Hypolite Bouchard, the mission was nonetheless spared.
Current Use of the Mission Active Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
What I Liked Best I like when my brother, Robert and I built my mission together.
How to write a bibliography Webpages: Name of Author. "Title of Web Page." Date you accessed this page.. "The California Missions Trail." 2 Feb Images (pictures): “Title of Image.” Title of website. Date you accessed the picture.. "Mission San Diego de Alcala." South Coast of California. 2 Feb Books: Name of Author. Title of Book. Name of editor, translator or compiler. Location: Publisher, Year. page numbers. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.