www.sccollege.edu /transfer TAG/TAP Programs SCC Transfer Center (714) 628-4865 Room D-104N www.sccollege.edu /transfer
IMPORTANT: This Transfer Agreement information applies to the 2010-2011 academic year only and does not include complete requirements. TAG changes annually and information is subject to change. Contact your SCC counselor or the Transfer Center for comprehensive program information.
About TAG Stands for Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Seven UC campuses offer guaranteed admission A formal agreement between a university and you Binding on university, not student May TAG with multiple campuses Criteria on ASSIST.ORG or campus website
Pros of TAG By participating you may receive: Guaranteed admission TAG eligibility notification by November 15 Early admission notification Guidance on major and general education preparation Protection if standards change Information on scholarships and financial aid Priority housing Notification of special events
Cons of TAG 1) Not Applicable for Highly Selective Majors Fine and Performing Arts Majors that require portfolios, auditions, or interviews May not guarantee major or college (i.e. UCSD)
Which Schools Participate? UCLA - TAP UC Irvine – TAG UC Davis – TAG UC Merced – TAG UC Riverside – TAG UC San Diego – TAG UC Santa Barbara – TAG UC Santa Cruz – TAG
Common TAG Requirements Meet UC minimum admissions eligibility California community college student (residency criteria) Complete the on-line TAG application and submit it between September 1 – 30 General education & major preparation Meet GPA minimums 30 UC transferrable units completed at time of TAG application Completion of 60 UC transferable units by end of Spring 2010 (e.g. no summer work) All students must still submit a completed UC application between November 1 – 30
Benefits of UCLA TAP Priority (not guaranteed) admission and early admission notification Allows an alternate major when applying (with limitations) Dedicated TAP scholarships Guaranteed admission into UCLA Honors Program UCLA library privileges
Criteria for UCLA TAP: Transfer Alliance Program Requires completion of SCC Honors Program before transfer Applies to majors within College of Letters and Science only No TAP application required Indicate TAP eligibility on UC app Request TAP certification through SCC Honors Counselor, and file Honors Intent to Complete Program form. http://www.ugeducation.ucla.edu/tap/
SCC Honors Program Criteria Apply and be admitted to the program Complete 6 SCC Honors classes (18 units) Must earn a C or better in any honors courses completed Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 Not harder, but different More inquisition-based and interactive Smaller classes with group discussion & projects Great on a resume & university application! www.sccollege.edu/Departments/Honors
Criteria for UC Irvine TAG 3.0 minimum GPA Complete the last 30 semester units in residence at a California community college English 101 and transferrable math course completed with a “C” grade or higher at time of TAG application Meet minimum GPA and course prerequisites for specified major Strongly recommended you complete lower-division major preparation for all impacted majors. See assist.org for details. Guarantees major http://www.admissions.uci.edu/tag
Transfer Honors Enrollment (THE) Guarantee Program at UC Irvine Complete SCC Honors Program 3.5 Cumulative GPA Guaranteed admission into UCI’s Campuswide Honors Program Priority consideration for UC Regents Scholarship 2nd year of guaranteed honors housing Hundreds of honors social activities
Criteria for UC Davis TAG Currently enrolled full-time at a California community college 2.8-3.1 GPA (depending upon major) Guarantees major http://admissions.ucdavis.edu/tag
Criteria for UC Merced TAG GPA 2.8-3.1, depending on major Open to all majors Accepts for fall and spring semesters Spring filing period: May 1st – May 31 Guarantees major http://transfers.ucmerced.edu/2.asp?uc=1&lvl2=59&contentid=29
Criteria for UCR TAG Student must complete all specific requirements by time of admission For list of requirements see assist.org All coursework must be completed at California community college Guarantees major http://trc.ucr.edu/transferPaths/Pages/TransferAdmissionGuarantee.aspx
Criteria for UCSD TAG 3.0 minimum GPA by the end of fall 2010 and spring 2011 Complete two UC-required English composition courses and a transferable math course by the end of fall 2010 Full completion of IGETC certification by the end of spring 2011 Students can still apply after TAG filing period by indicating UCSD TAG and IGETC certification on UC application Does not guarantee choice of college or major http://www.ucsd.edu/prospective-students/transfers/prep-programs/tag.html
Criteria for UCSB TAG 3.0 minimum GPA Complete the last 30 semester UC transferable units in residence at a California community college Complete two English courses and transferable Math course by end of Fall 2010 TAG available for College of Letters & Science & College of Engineering Some majors require specific minimum GPA’s and course prerequisites in addition to the general TAG requirements. See assist.org for details Guarantees major http://www.admissions.ucsb.edu/prospective/TAGLetter.asp
Criteria for UCSC TAG 3.0 minimum GPA Have no more than 20 semester units completed at a four-year institution Guarantees major http://admissions.ucsc.edu/apply/transfer_guide.cfm
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
UC Online TAG Application https://uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu/
www.sccollege.edu/transfer www.twitter.com/scctransfer (714) 628-4865 Location: D-104N Hours of Operation: Mon: 8:00 – 6:00 Tues: 8:00 – 7:00 Wed: 8:00 – 7:00 Thur: 8:00 – 5:00 Fri: 8:30 – 12:30