Day 1 ExpeditionInhabitantsMonarchColonyconquer
expedition A journey undertaken by a group of people with a definite purpose
inhabitants A person that resides/lives in a place
monarch A ruler of a nation such as a King or Queen
colony a settlement established and ruled by a mother country
conquer To acquire or overcome by force
Day 2 conquistadorcommissionedviceroyfriarpueblo
conquistador A Spanish explorer who searched for wealth and land in America
commissioned Granted the power or authority to carry out a specific task
viceroy Governor of a colony who rules in the name of the king
friar Person belonging to one of the religious brotherhoods of the Roman Catholic Church
pueblo Native American village of houses built of adobe, or sundried bricks of straw and clay
THINK ABOUT THIS…. In your Notebook, answer the following question: In your Notebook, answer the following question: How do two groups of people who do not know each other’s language communicate? How do two groups of people who do not know each other’s language communicate?
Day 3 missionarymissionexpeditionbuccaneerdelta
missionary One who is sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country
mission A settlement founded to spread Christianity to the people of the area
expedition A journey made for a specific purpose, such as exploration
buccaneer A pirate, especially one who preyed on ships during the 1600’s
delta A triangle-shaped area of mud and silt deposits that forms at the mouth of some rivers
Vocabulary Sentences 1. La Salle couldn’t find the Mississippi because so many channels ran through the ________. 2. A Spanish _________attacked one of LaSalle’s ships. 3. The first ______ in Texas was established near El Paso. 4. The Spanish _________wanted to Christianize the Native Americans.
Vocabulary Sentences 5. Cortes was a famous Spanish ____________. 6. The first ___________ to the New World was Columbus’s. 7. The Spanish _________ financed Columbus’s expedition. 8. Columbus’s brother, Bartholomew, established the first Spanish ________ on Hispanolia. 9. Spanish explorers wanted to ______ the new lands.
QUIZ 1. conquistadorA. a pirate 2. puebloB. governor of a colony 3. viceroyC. Native American village 4. missionD. A Spanish explorer 5. expeditionE. a journey for a purpose 6. buccaneerF. settlement founded to spread Christianity