WorldCat Local & World Cat Quick Start a new way to search your library’s resources and the world beyond.


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Presentation transcript:

WorldCat Local & World Cat Quick Start a new way to search your library’s resources and the world beyond

The Library Catalog: a speedy review of its history From the early printed book catalogue…

to the traditional card catalog …

to today’s online catalog (aka OPAC)

to a new library catalog system (aka “next generation” catalog)

which typically will include such features as: Relevance ranking Facets “Breadcrumbs” More comprehensive searching capabilities More content Social networking tools

Why do library users want this? Search engines are quick & easy to use. Web-savy and have very high expectations. OPACs are unfriendly and prefer Amazon to the library catalog.

WorldCat Local & WorldCat Local Quick Start Delivers the resources of your library and libraries around the world in a single search. Displays local availability of materials and integrates ILL within one search Includes full text content from OCLC databases in a search retrieval set.

Let’s compare a search … in the traditional OPAC with the same search in WCL

A search on “hurricane katrina” in the LTLS OPAC retrieves 126 records representing books, DVDs, CDs and one sound recording.

We can limit the search by library to see which of those titles are available at Champaign PL – 70 records.

A similar search in Champaign PL’s WCL retrieves 6,636 records!

Where are these 6,000 records coming from? WorldCat Local retrieves search results based on Champaign PL’s holdings in the WorldCat database, Compares those results with holdings in the OPAC, Displays titles that match along with circulation status.

include titles available at Champaign PL (displayed first), then titles available at LTLS (displayed second), then titles held within Illinois (displayed third), and finally …

all other relevant titles in the WorldCat database.

But…. That still doesn’t account for 6,000 records.

The records retrieved include traditional library materials as well as electronic content and articles indexed in WorldCat (and that accounts for the 6,000+ records!)

The same keyword search for “hurricane katrina” in WCL at LTLS (with the Wilson Select Plus database selected) retrieves 15,671 records!

A keyword search of “swine flu” in the LTLS OPAC retrieves 3 items – all books.

In WCL at LTLS the results set is 1,274 records. In this example, we have included the Wilson Select Plus database in order to find the full text of relevant articles as well as books and other materials.

Let’s select record number one

The detailed record includes a summary and a link to the full text.

Using the facets on the left side of the screen we can limit our results to books.

Selecting record # 3 ….

Brings up the detailed record with shelf status and the option to place a hold on the book.

The patron will need to authenticate in order to place a hold on the book.

This particular item is not held within the LTLS system so the user is presented with the option to request the book via interlibrary Loan.

The patron can fill out and submit an ILL request form which will be delivered to the library’s “review file.”

Another detailed record will illustrate the various features available in WCL including subjects and similar items, “view all editions and formats,” and availability.

In this case, selecting “view all editions and formats” will present the user with 6 other versions of this title. These are identified and displayed through a process known as FRBR (or functional requirements for bibliographic records).

A little further down in the record we can see availability at other libraries in the LTLS System.

Below that are bibliographic details and options to purchase the book.

What Else????

Then options to read or create reviews.

And, finally, the ability to add tags, to create lists, and to view other lists.


WorldCat Local “quick start” is a free, start up version of WCL available to most libraries* that subscribe to FirstSearch. offers many of the features of full WorldCat Local except: – Metasearch – Branch scoping – Statewide scoping

* (A few notes) * Your library must run a local integrated library management system that is compatible with WorldCat Local * If your library is part of your regional library system’s shared catalog, you will see both your library holdings and the holdings of other libraries in your system * If your library subscribes to WilsonSelectPlus or any other full text OCLC databases, you will be able to search these databases along with WorldCat Local in one single search.

Tolono Public Library was recently set up for WCL “quick start.” Since the library subscribes to Wilson Select, their users can now search WorldCat and this full text database in one easy search.

Titles held at Tolono PL will appear first, then titles held throughout the consortium.

The detailed record displaying availability at the library.

The full text of an article delivered by the Wilson Select database in WCL.


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