Bill of Rights 1791
First Amendment: Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, & Petition Freedom of –religion, –speech, –press, and –assembly
Second Amendment: Right to Keep Weapons People can have guns
Man Shoots Neighbor's Pit Bull POSTED: 7:44 am EDT April 4, 2007 ORANGE PARK, Fla. -- A Clay County man was arrested after police said he shot his neighbor's pit bull. Police said Stephen Maranville was working in his yard Friday and left his poodle to wander around. Maranville told police he heard what sounded like dogs fighting coming from his neighbor's yard. When he looked over the fence, he saw the pit bull biting his poodle on the neck. Police said the pit bull had remained chained to a shed near the neighbor's own home. Police said Maranville went into his home to get a.22-caliber revolver. He fired six shots at the neighbor's dog, hitting it twice. He brought his poodle back from the neighbor's yard, but it died. Maranville was charged with armed trespassing and cruelty to animals. Copyright 2007 by The Associated PressThe Associated Press
Third Amendment: Protection Against Quartering Soldiers Don’t have to have soldiers in your house Go away. We don’t want you in our house
Fourth Amendment: Freedom from Unreasonable Search & Seizure The police must have a warrant to go into your house Let me in. I have a warrant to search your house.
Fifth Amendment: Rights of a Person Accused of a Crime Innocent until proven guilty You don’t have to answer questions I’m not going to answer that question.
Remaining Silent You've probably heard it lots of times on TV crime shows: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." That is the Miranda Warning, named after a famous case involving a suspect named (what else?) Miranda.
Sixth Amendment: Right to a Jury Trial in Criminal Cases You can have a trial. You can have witnesses. You can have a lawyer. You can present evidence.
Alleged Band-Aid Bandit's Bank Robbery Trial Begins POSTED: 3:46 pm EDT April 4, 2007 TAMPA, Fla. -- A defense attorney wanted one thing clear at the start of the Band-Aid Bandit bank robbery trial Wednesday: The mole doesn't make the man. Prosecutors said that Rafael Angel Rondon, 51, often used bandages to hide a distinctive mole during his five-year series of 39 bank robberies. But defense attorney Daniel Hernandez said his client "happens to have a mole on the left side of his face. I submit to you that does not mean he is the Band-Aid bandit." Assistant U.S. Attorney Colleen Murphy Davis told the jury she had solid evidence -- including DNA, palm prints and money still wrapped in bank bands found in Rondon's house -- that prove he was the man "behind the Band-Aid." Rondon and his brother-in-law, 54-year-old Emeregildo Roman were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges they stole more than $500,000 from 11 banks. Agents believe the Rondon robbed 39 banks in nine counties between December 2000 and July 2006, sometimes with the help of an accomplice, but the indictment focuses only on cases with the strongest evidence. The trial before U.S. District Judge Steven Merryday is expected to take up to three weeks. Rondon and Roman could face up to life in prison if convicted.
Amendment 7: Right to a Jury Trial in Civil Cases You can sue. He owes me lots of money. He said he’d do the work, but he didn’t.
Amendment 8: Protection Against Unfair Fines and Punishment The punishment and the crime have to balance each other out.
Amendment 9: Other Rights of the People The Constitution doesn’t have all the rights written down Adding more rights
Amendment XXVII (May 7, 1992) No Law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened (restricts raises in congressional pay) proposed on September 25, 1789.
Amendment 10: Powers of the States and the People The states can have some of their own laws too Supreme Court State courts
Minimum Wage Laws Basic Minimum Rate (per hour) COLORADO$6.85 KANSAS$2.65 WASHINGTON$7.93