preclude (verb) – to make impossible Examples: Synonyms : Prevent, stop, rule out, exclude, implausible Antonyms : Permit, authorize
predecessor (noun) – a person who precedes another in an office or position Examples: Synonyms : Precursor, forerunner, antecedent Antonyms : Successor
presumptuous (adj.) – bold to the point of rudeness Examples: Synonyms : Impudence, arrogant, conceited Antonyms : Modest, humble
prevailing (adj.) – generally accepted, having superior power (verb) - prevail Examples: Synonyms : Customary, established, popular Antonyms : Esoteric, obscure
prevalent (adj.) – in general use or acceptance, occurring, accepted or practiced commonly or widely Examples: Synonyms : Common, rampant, established Antonyms : Rare, uncommon
prominent (adj.) – standing out, important Examples: Synonyms : Famous, notorious, renowned, well known Antonyms : Esoteric, unknown
provincial (adj.) – having a narrow scope, an unsophisticated or narrow-minded person Examples: Synonyms : Parochial, narrow minded, simple, biased Antonyms : Open minded, tolerant, unbiased
provoke (verb) – to anger, arouse, bring to action Examples: Synonyms : Trigger, irritate, inflame, anger Antonyms :
purgation (noun) – the process of getting rid of impurities Examples: Synonyms : Purge, rid, eliminate, remove, purify, subtract Antonyms : Add, include, insert
quarry (noun) – a large open pit from which stone is cut Examples: Synonyms : Mine, pit Antonyms :