©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 1 Thessalonians DAVE SMITH
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Greek Coast
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Greek Coast-Patmos
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Kidron Valley and Mt of Olives from City of David - A 2900-foot hill - main burial grounds for the city.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Mt. Of Olives
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Jerusalem Looking north & west down from the Mount of Olives
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Jerusalem
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Matt 20:17 As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves…..
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith
Zech 14:4
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Zech 14:3-4 Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle. 4 In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east;
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Eastern ( Golden ) Gate Muslim Cemetery
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Golden Gate is the eastern gate of Jerusalem. Christ entered through this gate in Matthew 21 when he made His triumphal entry.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Eastern Gate Some think this is the gate through which Christ will enter when He returns to set up His kingdom.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Ezek 44:1-3 However, the dimensions of the "Golden Gate" do not correspond with Ezekiel's gate, which is still future.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith It was 1543 when Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent had the gate closed and walled up a second time. Today it still stands closed.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Agora
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith AGORA
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Ancient Town Meeting
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Unknown “god” Altar Stone
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Jail in Philippi
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Philippi
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Taurus Mountains ( crossed by Paul & Silas )
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Egnatian Road Traveled by Paul in Macedonia
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Harbor at Thessalonica
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Modern Thessaloniki
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Wandering Tourists Thessalonica
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 20th Cen. Berean Altar Honoring Paul’s Visit
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith
Introduction Author is Paul
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Date of Writing 51 A.D.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Place of Writing Corinth
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Purpose To encourage the saints there To refute false charges by the enemy To correct some errors being disseminated
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Book Outline I. Reflections / Commendations 1-3 II. Instructions 4-5
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Outline - Ch. 1 An Elect people An Exemplary people An Enthusiastic people - 8 An Expectant people
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Exposition 1 Thes. 1:3 FAITHPRODUCED WORK LOVEPROMPTED LABOR.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 1 Thes. 1:3 HOPEINSPIRED ENDURANCE
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith PATIENCE OF HOPE = WAIT FOR HIS SON FROM HEAVEN
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Chapter 2 Paul’s Ministry - 3 characters 2:1-12 : A. The Faithful Steward 2:1-6 The Manner of his ministry v. 1-2 The Message of his ministry v.3a
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Faithful Steward The Motive of his ministry v. 3b The Method of his ministry v.3c-6
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Loving Mother B. The Loving Mother 2:7-8
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Concerned Father C. The Concerned Father 2:9-12 His work v. 9
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Concerned Father His walk v.10 His words v.11-12
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Divine Resources in times of Suffering 2:13-20 A. God’s Word within us 2:13 They appreciated the Word They applied the Word
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Divine Resources B. God’s people around us 2:14-16 C. God’s glory and hope before us 2:17-20
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Chapter 3 3 Ministries to Help Establish Young Believers Provide discipleship / encouragement 1-5 Timothy was sent by Paul to encourage, strengthen & remind them that suffering was expected when living for Christ.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 3 Ministries Communicate regularly 6-8 Paul was concerned about their progress in spiritual maturity. He received a good report about them.
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 3 Ministries Pray for them 9-13 That : 3 Requests 1. They grow strong in their faith 10
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 3 Requests 2. Their love might abound for one another ( - allelon ) v. 12
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 3 Requests 3. They live a life of holiness v. 13
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Chapter 4 v OUR WALK Walk in Holiness v. 1-8
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Holiness A. For the purpose of pleasing God v. 1
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Holiness B. For the purpose of obeying God v. 2-3
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Holiness 3 Instructions : 1. Abstain From Immorality (vs. 3b)
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Holiness 3 Instructions : 2. Know How to Possess Your Vessel (vss. 4-5)
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 3 Instructions : 3. Do Not Trespass and Defraud a Brother (vs. 6a) Walk in Holiness
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Holiness C. For the purpose of glorifying God v. 4-5
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Holiness D. For the purpose of escaping the judgment of God v. 6-8
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Harmony v A. Love your fellow brother in Christ B. Excel even more in your love
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Walk in Honesty v Practice a life of : 1. Inward Humility 2. Demonstrated Integrity
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith 4:13-18 The Comfort of His Coming I. REVELATION - We have God’s truth - v.13, 15a
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Comfort of His Coming II. RETURN - Christ is coming again - v
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Comfort of His Coming III. RESURRECTION - The Christian dead will rise - v
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Comfort of His Coming IV. RAPTURE - Living believers caught up - v.17
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith The Comfort of His Coming V. REUNION - Christians forever with the Lord - v
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith CH. 5 Contrast the Lost and Saved v.1-11 V. 1-2 Knowledge vs. Ignorance – Day of the Lord
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith V. 3-5 Expectancy vs. Surprise
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith V. 6-8 Soberness vs. Drunkenness
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith V Salvation vs. Judgment
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith Essentials of a Church Family v v Leadership
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith V Partnership
©Notes on 1 Thessalonians Dr. David Smith V Worship