Daniel 5
MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN I. BACKGROUND A. Belshazzar was the son of Nabonidus, Last king of Bab. B. Nabonidus’ 3 rd year, went to the oasis of Tayma & devoted himself to the worship of the moon god, Sin. Made Belshazzar co-regent in 553 B.C. C. Nabonidus returned 540 B.C. to defend against the Persians. In 539 B.C. Belshazzar was positioned in the city of Babylon to hold the capital, while Nabonidus, marched his troops north to meet Cyrus. D. October 10, 539 B.C. Nabonidus surrendered and fled from Cyrus. Two days later, October 12, 539 B.C., the Persian armies overthrew the city of Babylon.
MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN II. BELSHAZZAR’S FEAST (5:1-16) Idols of conquered cities were ordinarily brought to Babylon and set in positions of reverence to Marduk within his temple. The Jews, having no idol of Jehovah, had been forced to give up the vessels of Solomon's Temple, which, it appears, were used to serve Marduk's sacred repast, ritually shared by Belshazzar. A. Drank From Vessels Of God & Praised Idols (v. 2-4). B. Terrified By Hand (v. 5-9).
MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN II. BELSHAZZAR’S FEAST (5:1-16) In Babylon, the image of Marduk was served meals daily in a style befitting the divine king, including musical accompaniment and beautifully-arranged desserts of fruits. After the god's meal, water in a basin was brought and offered to the idol to wash its fingers. According to several extant descriptions, the dishes of food that had been presented to the image were then sent to the king for his consumption. The food had been blessed by its proximity to the god, and the blessing was now transferable to the king. One exception is recorded, on a tablet from Uruk, which mentions that the crown prince— this was Belshazzar— enjoyed the royal privilege.
MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN III. HANDWRITING ON THE WALL (5:17-30) A. Belshazzar Ignored Truth (5:18-23; Isaiah 6:1-13; Matt. 13:13-15). B. Downfall of Babylon Predicted (5:24-28). Predicted 700s BC (Is. 47:8-15; 45:1-5) C. Fulfilled That Night (5:29-31; Is. 21:9). 350 ft Walls, 85 Ft wide, 6 Chariots side by side. Euphrates river diverted, at night, during feast.
MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN IV. APPLICATION A. All Have Opportunity To Know Truth! Even pagan kings! What is our response to truth (Jas. 1:21)? B. All Will Be “Weighed” (2 Th. 1:9-9; Rom. 2:16). C. Will We Be Found Ready (Matt. 24:42-44)? WHY NOT OBEY NOW?