United States Geography: 4 Regions I. Introductory Facts about the U.S. Land A. The U.S. is the 4th largest country in land size. B The U.S. is the 3rd largest country in population with 310 million. C. The U.S. is one of the few fragmented countries in the world in which it has 48 states that share a common boundary. (Hawaii and Alaska) The United States has a variety of landforms such as mountains, plains, rivers, and lakes. In spite of the great variety of climates, generally the climate is mild or temperate. The climate changes with location and elevation. II. Economy of the U.S. U.S. economy is based on a free enterprise system, 75% working in service industry, 22% manufacturing, 1% mining, and 2% farming.
B. U.S. exports more food than any other country. C. Produces ½ of the world’s corn and one-tenth of the world’s wheat. D. U.S. has an abundance of rich mineral resources such as iron ore, zinc, lead, coal, copper, and oil. E. Largest part of the economy is service industries such as: banking, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and etc. III. People of the U.S. The U.S. is made up of people from many different lands. ¾ of the people are descendants from Europe. U.S. began as a British colony and became a world superpower. U.S. ethnic groups are made up of 70% white, 12% Hispanic, 13% African American, 4% Asian, 1% Native American.
II. The Northeast: Land of Big Cities A. This region is made up of the New England and Middle Atlantic states.Its climate varies and is dominated by the Appalachian Mts..(oldest) B. NE is the most densely populated region in the U.S. C. Manufacturing and trade have made this an urban area. (80% live in cities.) D. This regions largest cities are ports around good harbors such as: Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York (largest city in the U.S.). E. The coastal region of the Northeast is a megalopolis (super city). F. The economy is based on city life jobs such as: manufacturing, finance, communications, and government. G. Agriculture is made up of mostly small farms. H. Fishing off the Atlantic Coast is a major industry.
III. The South A. Warmer than most regions and receives plenty of rain. Coastal plains dominate this region. B. Farming is one of the most important parts of the economy. C. Citrus fruits that require year-round warmth and sunshine are grown here. Florida (oranges) and Georgia (peaches) D. Drilling and mining minerals are also important to the South. E. The most important industry in the South is textiles (cloth). F. Transportation and tourism is a big part of the economy. Atlanta is the transportation center of the South. G. New Orleans is the gateway between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River. H. Washington D.C., the nation’s capital, is located in this region, but in not part of any specific state.
IV. The Midwest - “The Heartland of the U.S.” A. This regions hosts the largest group of freshwater lakes known as the “Great Lakes” consisting of Superior, Michigan (doesn’t share the Canadian border), Huron, Erie, and Ontario. B. The Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean are connected by the St. Lawrence River. C. West of the Mississippi River lies the Great Plains. D. Considered the “Heartland” because its thought to be the agricultural center of the U.S. Farmer grow grains and raise cattle here. E. This region is also a major manufacturing center among the Great Lakes. F. Chicago, Illinois is the largest city in this region. It’s also considered to be in the center of things.
G. St. Louis, Missouri hosts a large stainless steel arch which marks this the “Gateway to the West”. H. Detroit, Michigan is called the “Motor City” because it is the headquarters of the auto industry.
V. The West A. Because the Rocky Mountains lie in this region, they have an abundance of minerals. B. The Rocky Mountains are the largest mountain range in the U.S. Higher and more rugged than the Appalachian Mountains. C. Oil, natural gas, and coal are important resources here. The Continental Divide, a ridge of mountains, separates the rivers flowing west to the Pacific and east to the Mississippi. E. National Parks such as Yosemite and Yellowstone (1st National Park) are located in this region. F. California is the leading farm state in this region. Los Angeles is the 2nd largest city in the United States.
G. Hawaii is made up 8 large islands and 120 smaller islands in which it depends heavily on tourism. H. Alaska (the largest state in the U.S.), a peninsula, hosts the tallest mountain peak in N. America known as Mt. McKinley. I. This state also has an abundance of oil, but much of it is national protected parks.