T Final Demo Xylophone I2 Iteration
2 T Iteration demo Agenda Project status and demo (20 min) Introduction Demo Achieving project’s goals Work results (20 min) Statistics Quality Next steps Discussion (5 min)
3 T Iteration demo Introduction to the project iTV = interactive Television Hotelzon provides turn-key hotel booking solution HOL (Hotelzon Online) Corporate customers in Europe main focus Providing hotel room booking services for a large number of hotels in diverse locations Hotelzon wishes to stay at bleeding edge of technology and wants to get in on the new technology trend Main project goals Analysing and assessing different iTV-technologies Assessing feasibility and providing knowledge base Implementing user interface for iTV for current system Existing back-end Web browser interfaceMobile phone interfaceiTV interface Web Services interface Project scope
4 T Iteration demo Architecture
5 T Iteration demo Status of the iteration’s goals Goal 1: Implementing use cases UC3.3 Display rooms available UC3.4 Book rooms UC3.4.1 Display hotel and room info UC3.4.3 Input booking information UC4 Search reservations UC5 Cancel reservation OK Goal 2: Testing for good quality OK Goal 3: Improving process OK Goal 4: Using SEPA practices OK Goal 5: Making sure that requirements are fulfilled OK
6 T Iteration demo Customer goals Goal Achievement criteria StatusComments Ascertaining feasibility of iTV Analysis and rationale approved by Hotelzon See technical documentation Developing working version of hotel booking system for iTV Approval by Hotelzon in acceptance testing Main functionalities searching hotels, making reservations and cacelling reservations implemented Generating ideas on how to utilize iTV in future N/A No focus was put on this because of lack of time. See “development opportunities” for some input on this goal
7 T Iteration demo Resource usage KVJDOWMATKKKWYXXSUM PP I ,5129, , I2 49, Total 139,5227,5258, , Planned Used hours
8 T Iteration demo Used hours
9 T Iteration demo Used hours
10 T Iteration demo Lines of Code
11 T Iteration demo Performed QA practices Test-case based testing Exploratory testing (peer review and acceptance testing) Static review Coding conventions Prototyping Heuristic evaluation User interviews Pair programming Unsystematic unit testing by developers, e.g. JUnit used Security testing (generating list of security issues)
12 T Iteration demo Defects and other quality metrics Major bug still open: Screens cut texts too short, especially hotel and room descriptions Bugs BlockersMajorMinorTotal Reported in I Reported in I Reported total Open 0167 Metrics Value Bug count 1+6 Security issues 1 (locking of inputs) Usability (time) ~5 minutes to make reservation Code documentation Code documented
13 T Iteration demo Quality dashboard and goals Part of the system QualityConfidenceComments Search hotels HighSeems to work nicely Make reservations HighSome small bugs Cancel reservations HighSeems to work nicely Usability High Most violated heuristics resolved, some negative comments about usability in user interviews and peer testing – have most to do with input and connection issues Security Low1 issue identified through brainstorming Maintainability MediumCode properly documented. Legend Confidence: Low-Medium-High Quality: = quality is good = quality seems ok = quality is bad
14 T Iteration demo Next Steps Future of iTV is still uncertain If application is to be used commercially, some tasks must still be done Testing on real set-top-box Fixing truncation of texts We suggest that Web Service Interface should be further developed Simplifying common queries Fixing some mistakes in the interface documentation Our parser classes can successfully be used in other applications also