Classroom Management Techniques Presented by Evan Frazer, Emily Bradvica, Nicole Carter
Important Points It’s easier to get easier Sense of humor Fairness is key Deal with disruptions with as little interruption as possible (ex. silence) Avoid confrontations in front of students Keep high expectations Over plan Be consistent Start Fresh everyday
Important Points continued Be on time Dress appropriately Be flexible Plan ahead Be consistent (ex. How kids enter the class) Start fresh everyday Positive Communication Convey confidence Group work with presentations
First Day of Class Share information about yourself and role as a Peace Corps volunteer Bring photos of your life in the states Teacher in the class room Give the teacher copies of the materials you will be using Learn names Understand the students’ histories
First Days Autobiography questionnaire Elect a student to take role Compromiso for each student Copies of the schedule of events and activities
Rules and Expectations Have the class sign the rule sheet Put up the rules each class Prize for attendance with a class trip at the end What are your expectations for the students? Goals to reach? How to reach them? High yet reachable expectations Make the project seem challenging however know that each student can do it and this will raise self esteem of the class
Discipline Positive discipline: focus on students that are doing good work with small rewards Address negative behavior early Move around the class room Reinforce behaviors that support course expectations and norms (respect of others) Change seating more often Website with grades/participation posted
Discipline Non verbal cues: model a quiet classroom Warnings Don’t yell at the class to be quiet, instead use body language or a hand signal Write the directions on the board and if someone yells out a question, reference what you have written by pointing Warnings Private if possible Have the student explain to his/her teacher after class what the problem was Be careful sending kids to the director’s office
Clock Idea The class earns and loses minutes depending on behavior Lost time Have to be silent for a certain amount of time Good time Activities: movies, games, sports (frisbee, American football, etc.
Fake Money Same idea as saving time for activities but now giving out fake money How to use money Candy Free time Cooking day Save it for a bigger trip Ideas???
Participation Dinamicas Musical Chairs Hot potato Throwing a ball out to the class Dinamicas outside of the classroom and those that don’t want to participate stay inside Giving the students leadership roles in the class (Junta Directiva) Being positive and in a good mood will transcend to the rest of the class
Things to always remember! Walking back home after each class, remember the good moments! Realize that just your presence is affecting the future of your students! Cherish the one on one conversations! Convey positive energy and confidence! Try to find humor in the hard, awkward moments!