Network of Excellence in ICT Research, Knowledge Management and Transfer Dr. Miklós Biró Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration Technology Transfer Center
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network2 Objectives The ICT-Excellence Network aims to initiate and institutionalize sustainable processes including a full- scale knowledge management process for – contributing to the achievement of the competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy by facilitating the channelling of immediate ICT industry needs for knowledge and skills, and for research leading to new knowledge to be incorporated into education, – fostering the exchange of ideas and experiences related to teaching and research of ICT at a European and world level, involving interested international organizations, – enabling the communication of European application developer SME’s ICT needs to university research and major ICT providers (pull effect), and the transfer of the most advanced research results and technology solutions to European SME’s (push effect).
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network3 Rationale Competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy set as the strategic goal of the Union at the Lisbon European Council Simultaneous pull effect of market needs and the push effect of major ICT provider businesses Challenge for university ICT education whose inherent mission is to meet the needs of ICT industry for graduates with appropriate knowledge and skills
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network4 General Approach Foreseen 1 Full-scale sustainable knowledge management process – knowledge acquisition, – knowledge organization, – knowledge distribution, – knowledge application, – knowledge phase-out in the virtual knowledge space of ICT development
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network5 General Approach Foreseen 2 based on – cross-fertilization with already existing initiatives addressing parts of the issue: Career Space “offers information and suggestions about the needs of the ICT sector and the ways in which the skills gap might be narrowed” Knowledge and curriculum structuring initiatives (ACM/IEEE- CS, IFIP/UNESCO, Software Engineering Body of Knowledge/IEEE-CS) – take-up of the most innovative technologies belonging to its own subject area: knowledge management
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network6 Need & Relevance Virtual knowledge space covering ICT fertilizes the development of new technologies for software and systems. Requires a European and possibly wider mobilization of activities and resources since ICT is certainly the most globalized business in the Information Society.
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network7 Excellence Interests – Leveraging effect for universities – Fundamental interest of ICT providers – SME’s have a long-term interest – International organizations (IFIP, UNESCO, IEEE-CS, ACM)
Dr. Miklós BiróICT-Excellence Network8 Integration and Structuring Effect Integration and structuring of ICT industry needs for existing and future knowledge and skills, and the transfer of these coupled with strong interaction with European higher education and European SME’s. Results are disseminated and made available to a wide audience. It is the hosting of the knowledge base and of the established full-scale knowledge management process, including the sustained operation of the network, which will provide the long-term foundation for the achievement of Europe’s competitive advantage in ICT.