Goals for Class To examine our prior experiences as learners. To understand three principles, teaching behaviors, and strategies for developing well-managed classrooms.
What is Classroom Management? The methods teachers use to create a positive, cooperative learning environment and prevent disruptive behavior. The methods teachers use to engage students in learning and to help students be successful learners.
It matters what you believe! By the time you graduate from high school, you have been in school for more than 14,000 hours! Teachers’ instructional decisions and actions are often based on their beliefs. Our beliefs and attitudes about teaching and learning are shaped by our prior experiences in and outside of school.
Activity: Serial Testimony Purpose: To learn about our prior positive and negative experiences with classroom management. Actions: 1.Find a partner. 2.Identify roles: Talker and Listener. 3.Partner A - Listener No responding. Just listen. No judgments. 4.Partner B - Talker Talks about experiences. No sharing of feelings or judgments. 5.Switch roles.
Serial Testimony Prompt for the Talker What have been your experiences with teachers who managed classroom behavior which had a POSITIVE effect on your learning? Talker: Share experiences, no feelings, no judgments. Listener: Just listen. Don’t respond. No Judgments.
Serial Testimony Switch Roles - Same Prompt What have been your experiences with teachers who managed classroom behavior which had a POSITIVE effect on your learning? Talker: Share experiences, not feelings, no judgments. Listener: Just listen. Don’t respond. No Judgments.
Serial Testimony - New Prompt What have been your experiences with teachers who managed classroom behavior which had a NEGATIVE effect on your learning? Talker: Share experiences, no feelings, no judgments. Listener: Just listen. Don’t respond. No Judgments.
Serial Testimony - Switch Roles What have been your experiences with teachers who managed classroom behavior which had a NEGATIVE effect on your learning? Talker: Share experiences, no feelings, no judgments. Listener: Just listen. Don’t respond. No Judgments.
Principles of a Well-Managed Classroom 1.Know your learners. 2.Build a classroom community. 3.Establish the structure.
1. Know your learners. Understand child development. Recognize individuality (multiple intelligences). Understand influence of culture. Read Chapter 1 “Knowing the Children You Teach.” Bickcart, Jablon and Dodge Building the Primary Classroom
1. Know Your Learners.
2. Build a classroom community. Welcome learners and their families. Create rules together (pledges). Conduct classroom meetings. Promote social problem-solving. Help children relate positively. Read Chapter 2 “Building a Classroom Community” Bickcart, Jablon and Dodge Building the Primary Classroom
Tolerance Oath I promise to treat my schoolmates the way I want them to treat me. I will accept my classmates’ differences even when it is hard to do. I will look for ways to help others when they are in need. I will take turns and not always expect to be first when playing and working with others. I will try each day to treat my friends and classmates with respect. I will recognize on the outside we are different, but on the inside we are the same. I will always understanding the cooperation and understanding are the fruits of the Tolerance Tree, but the seed of it all is me! --Washington Oak Elementary School, Coventry Public Schools “Community begins with the person next to you.” Tolerance Tree
Student Pledge My Best Effort Attendance & Timeliness Citizenship Homework Communication Responsibility TEACH Values School Rules
Student Pledge Tolerance Enthusiasm Achievement Citizenship Hard work TEACH TEACH Values
Parent Pledge Timeliness Support Communication TEACH Values School Rules
School and Teacher Pledge Timeliness High Quality Education Support and Respect Communication Homework Fairness Safety
3. Establish the Structure. Notice behaviors and provide effective praise and feedback. noticing statements, verbal reinforcers Establish routines. quiet signal for transitions, pencil sharpening, using bathrooms Provide clear instructions and expectations about behavior. consequences for misbehavior, positive reward systems, social rubrics Read Chapter 3 “Establish the Structure for the Classroom” Bickcart, Jablon and Dodge Building the Primary Classroom
Cues for Social Interaction
Setting Clear Expectations SCORING 5 = All the time 4= Most of the time 3 = Some of the time 2 = Rarely 1 = None of the time
Planning for Misbehaviors 5. I need to make better choices. 6. I am having a Terrific Day! 3. 2nd reflection - I lose 1/2 of my recess. 4. I need to complete a reflection sheet. 2. 3rd reflection--I lose ALL of my recess. 1. I will need to meet with the principal
Planning for Positive Behaviors Positive Reward Systems Catch Them Being GOOD!