Bringing Colour in Grey Literature Marjan Vernooy-Gerritsen euroCRIS - Rome – May 2010
Agenda About SURF Grey Literature Social Relevance of Research ERiC, Evaluation Research in Context ERiC and CRIS
SURF SURF is the Netherlands higher education and research partnership organisation for network services and information and communications technology (ICT). The Mission of SURF is to exploit and improve a common advanced ICT infrastructure that will enable higher education institutions to better realize their own ambitions and improve the quality of learning, teaching and research.
Higher Education in the Netherlands Netherlands: 16½ million Inhabitants students, years old 13 Universities + 1 Open University 40 Universities for applied sciences 5 large public/private Research Institutes -National Library (KB), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Knowledge for Business (TNO), and the Police Academy All participate in SURF voluntarily -as a paying member -represented in SURF Board
SURF Innovation for - Education - Management - Research Gigabit Internet for Higher Education and Research Legal software for an illegal price
ICT and Research SURFshare programme on sharing Knowledge -Scholarly Communication -Open Access to Research Output -Repository Infrastructure NL-RIS project, to a national CRIS for Higher Education (including University Medical Centers). Participation in EU projects -DRIVER and DRIVER II -PEER -OpenAIRE
Enhanced Publiation (compound object) Enhanced Publiation (compound object) ePRINT (text publication) ePRINT (text publication) Data Object (s) Compound Object(s) Metadata Definition Enhanced Publication x x y y z z And Or
8 Datamodel Enhanced Publication Object Metadata Agent Version
Sharing Research Data 9
Year of Open Access Website Open Access:
Academic Information Domain
Systeem NARCIS portal (KNAW)
Danish design
wasstraat en doorgeefluik van informatie over onderzoeksresultaten in onderlinge samenhang (consolidatie, ontdubbeling, kwaliteitscontrole ) NL-RIS IRs Central Thesauri (DAI, Titles, Citations,....) OCW NWO Dutch design
DRIVER infrastructure: Narcis national aggregetor Enabling Layer Data Layer EU Open Access Repositories Functionality Layer Administrator End users D-NET / DRIVER portal National portals Project Application
Knowledge Exchange The Knowledge Exchange partners -Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (DEFF) in Denmark -German Research Foundation (DFG) in Germany -Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK -SURF Foundation in the Netherlands - Vision: to make a layer of scholarly and scientific content openly available on the Internet.
Knowledge Exchange CRIS-OAR Interoperability project -Metadata exchange format for publication information with an associated common vocabulary -Co-ordination Mikael Elbæk /Mogens Sandfaer PersID project ( -To guarantee persistent identification, persistent location and persistent access to electronic scholarly and cultural heritage resources -Governance Roadmap -Infrastructure of Uniform Resource Name (URN) based Persistent Identifiers -Coordination Bas Cordewener (SURF Foundation)
The Netherlands Problem -High ranking of universities and research groups, but a lack of innovation in important industrial activities and the public sector Solutions -Reinforcement of the link between education and knowledge institutions, businesses and civil organisations -Open Access to output of public funded research in NL -National Licence for Scientific Journals -Valorisation of research output …….> Grey Literature??
Grey Literature Definition -Papers, reports, technical notes or other documents produced and published by governmental agencies, academic institutions and other groups that are not distributed or indexed by commercial publishers. Problem -Many of these documents are difficult to locate and obtain. Solution -Depositing the documents in an Open Access repository -Recording as research output in a CRIS -Evalutation: credits for the researchers for Grey Literature of high quality
Evaluation of Research Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP) for assessment of research -Common guidelines for the evaluation and improvement of research and research policy, based on expert assessments. Objectives of SEP Improvement of research quality based on an external peer review, including scientific and societal relevance of research, research policy and research management. -Accountability to the board of the research organisation, and towards funding agencies, government and society at large.
Evaluation of Research New: strong emphasis on Social, cultural and economic relevance: -Societal Quality -Societal Impact -Valorisation (re-use) Grey Literature -Essential part of research output -High societal impact -Opportunity for valorisation of research output
Evaluating social quality and valorisation ERiC protocol, Evaluating Research in Context -Stage 1: mission and compilation of self image -Stage 2: profile of the research group (quantitative) -Stage 3: stakeholder analysis (qualitative by interviews) -Stage 4: feedback and reflection (strategic discussion) √ Quantitative performance compared with qualitative assessment of users √ Empirical results compared with mission
Evaluating social quality and valorisation ERiC protocol, Evaluating Research in Context SIAMPI -International, interdisciplinary consortium of knowledge institutions supported by the European Commission that aims to develop methods to assess the social impact of research and research funding instruments. SIGLE OpenSIGLE OpenGrey
Evaluating social quality and valorisation of research output ERiC in the Netherlands SIAMPI in FP7 How could a CERIF compliant CRIS support the evaluation of Social impact of research?
DRIVER series - The European Repository Landscape 2008 : Inventory of Digital Repositories for Research Output - Van der Graaf, Maurits Emerging Standards for Enhanced Publications and Repository Technology : Survey on Technology – Van Godtsenhoven, Karen et al Enhanced Publications : Linking Publications and Research Data in Digital Repositories - Woutersen-Windhouwer, Saskia et al.