VSA Florida VSA Florida provides arts, education and cultural opportunities for and by people with disabilities.
VSA Florida Mission To create a society where people with disabilities can learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts.
People First Language Appropriate language that is sensitive and accurate. Language that puts the focus on the individual NOT the disability
Pre Residency Communication Contact classroom teacher: ASK What is the makeup of the class? How many students? How many paraprofessionals? What are the classroom rules? Who will discipline the students? What sensory issues are evident?
Teaching Artist Responsibilities Provide teacher and VSAFL with curriculum map early in the residency Inform students of your classroom rules Have consequences in place for repeated misbehaviors Pre plan with classroom teacher to meet current curriculum concepts
Classroom Teacher Responsibilities Present at all times Engage in the activity Send home letter to parents/ media release forms Return signed media release forms to the VSAFL office Share the current curriculum themes with teaching artist Complete and return residency evaluation
Tips for Paraprofessionals Sit at the table or alongside the student and be prepared to assist him/her. Encourage and model good listening techniques. Look at the teacher, sit up in your chair and actively listen. Redirect student non-verbally as needed. Redirect verbally only if the teacher is not talking. Do not draw undue attention to the student. If frustration is apparent, please assist student with that step of the project but do not do the project for them. Do not be concerned with the finished product. The process is the most important part of the lesson. Allow students to work independently for 3-5 minutes or according to the IEP. Monitor their progress and give frequent positive feedback. You may assist anyone having difficulty near you. If you would like to engage in the activity yourself use it as an instruction tool. Complete one step at a time and wait for the student to complete the step before moving on to the next step. This technique is called modeling and can be a great help to visual learners. Please focus on assisting students only as much as necessary or on helping the classroom teacher during this class period.
Art Activity Be prepared and organized with appropriate materials Review previous lesson concepts Explain the activity Demonstrate the activity Use UDL: presentation, expression, engagement Show examples of project or steps of process Maintain student’s focus Use non verbal prompts Use “buddy” system End session with review and reflection of the session
Consistency Follow the same routine each session Treat each behavior the same each time Provide alternatives for all students Students should know what to expect
Effective Praise Offer specific praise: i.e. I like the way, Thank you for… That’s a great way… Use students as helpers to reward good behaviors
Confrontational Students Stay calm Keep your inside voice Speak privately to the problem student Allow them to re-enter the group Ask for help from the classroom teacher or paraprofessional
Monitoring Circulate around the class while students are working Check progress vs. time Give praise and help as needed Find the appropriate intervention so all students can be included. Give praise Have other activity choices available
VSA Florida State Regions
VSA Florida University of South Florida College of Education/ Sp Ed / VSAFL 4202 E. Fowler Avenue EDU 105 Tampa, Florida