Group ID: Prepared By: Jubin Goswami Milan Valambhiya
This website contains full of information about the hotel. The Purpose of making this website to provide facility to the customer by not reaching us physically, Instead they can use facility online. This website provides many features and description about Hotel. Also user can get information about the hotel, For how hotel service is available in which manners?
For each and every hotel, there must be available a website through which user/customer can reserve their services via this website. Hence, we are chosen to make a website for Hotel Silver Sand. Via this project of dynamic website will represent hotel facilities more effectively.
Reservation People can reserve their room before reaching at the hotel place via this website. Accessing of menu of restaurant Details of the menu of the restaurant will be displayed in this website for user concern. Location Map A virtual geographic location will be provided to know, exactly where the hotel is located. This will be done with the help Google map.
Photo Gallery For more visual representation, A tiny photo gallery will be featured in this website. User can visualize how actually our hotel look a like. Contact Us User can reach us through via filling this simple contact us form. And other contact information will be provided in this tab also. Connect with us User can reach us or get updated via Social Networking site also.
About Us Detailed information about the hotel and our goals will be displayed in this page of the website. Blog This blog is discussion about the site or trends published on the worldwide web.
The Purpose of making this website to provide facility to the customer by not reaching to us physically, Instead they can use facility online. This website provide above features and more description about Hotel.
First we were planning to make the project on Hotel Management Software (HMS), But they already have a good solution of Hotel Management Software (HMS). But they insist us to make a dynamic, attractive website for their hotel. So, we are chosen to make their website.
We are using PHP technology to make this website. It is one of the first developed server-side scripting languages to be embedded into an HTML pages rather than calling an external file. Database for this project will be created in MySQL Database System, Which is often used in PHP Development.