The Explorer Network By Rithvik Rajavelu
User name: status update here Basic Information Current City: St. Malo, France Birthday: 1491 Looking for: water route to Asia Personal Information Activities: Exploring, fishing Interests: gold, silk, spices Favorite Quote: Positive Character Traits: Brave, courage,diligence,intelligent,cooperation,responsible Contact Information Current address: 2630 Volaire Lane St.Malo, France Work and Accomplishments Employer: France Position: Explorer, Description: I will search the unknown area for any people who will hire me for a high price. Accomplishments: explore Anti-Costi island, discover Prince Edward Island, Named Canada, Charted St. Lawrence Gulf, Built fort where Quebec City. explorerbook WallInfoPictures About Me: I set off to explore the new area. The Grande Hermine and Petite Hermine following closely. Our brave hearts thumping! We soon saw land that had the St. Lawrence river and we were sailed over 1,000 miles. We went back to the King and Queen of France. We went to more area. I named it out of a misused word. Kanata meaning village is how I named Canada!
explorerbook WallInfoPictures Friends: Giovanni da Verrazano John Cabot Likes: Gold Spices Silk Yes it was such a wonderful ship. I was sailing it during Its called The Grande Hermine. Its sister in exploring was called The Petite Hermine. Yes, yes the map of my first voyage it isnt the perfect picture but it helped me find new land and gold. I made it when I got back from my first voyage on 1515 Yep this is when I found gold on Anti- Costi Island! I was digging with my crew when we hit gold but oil leaked and I had to spit it out. Man that was embarrassing! It happened in 1513.